Chapter One

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I meant to write this as an introduction to a new story I'm working on, but got carried away and ended up writing two thousand something words. I plan on writing a story all about Ally and how she knows Stiles, so if you're interested make to press that follow button! 


The woods smelt of her grandmother's cabin: Cherries, pecans, and walnuts. The soft pad of her feet hitting the ground barely registered in the back of her mind, only focused on her target. She pulled back her bowstring, aiming but not aiming, breathing but not breathing. A raindrop slid down a leaf next to her and a ladybug flew onto the nearest tree, barely visible, but visible too.

Releasing her breath, she let go, letting the arrow hit its target. The body of the once alive rabbit fell in a heap. The girl sprinted forward, light on her toes. Once she arrived at the once alive but now dead animal, she skinned it.

Birds whistled a tune that seemed all too familiar to Hunter. Grinning, she whistled it right back. The carcass laid in a bag over her shoulder, thumping her back now and then. Once she caught sight of her small hut, she picked up her pace.

Hunter threw open the door and placed the bag on the table. She went to her supply room to get the instruments needed to make her dinner and then proceeded to take the rabbit outside. When she was done with the bloody part, she got the animal ready for the stew.

"Hush, darling. Don't be scared. Mother's here to take care of her starling and she promises to always be prepared."

Singing the song that only her mother knew comforted Hunter. It was only their little secret.

After the Rabbit Stew was ready, Hunter added a few natural spices that grew around her hut. Finally, she could eat the mouthwatering dinner.

Right when she was about to taste the stew, a knock sounded on her door. Frowning, Hunter got up and went to the door, but not before grabbing her bow and an arrow. Readying the bow, she kicked the door open.

She did not expect to see another bow and arrow aimed at her.

Two girls and a guy stood at the door, all staring at the weapon in her hands.

"Why are you here?" Hunter questioned, slowly rotating the bow so they all stared at the dangerous contraption.

One teenager raised his hands slowly, the two others following his lead. "I'm Scott, and this is Allison and Lydia. Derek sent us."

Hunter could hear the redhead's rapid breaths and the brunette's calm ones. She could feel the tension radiating in the air as if it was a person breathing on her neck. Hunter couldn't help but respect the brunette's skill with the bow. As a fellow archer, she felt that she could trust her. The redhead, Lydia, seemed to be panicking, for what reason Hunter didn't know. The final teenager, Scott, was slowly stepping forward. With each step, Lydia's eyes grew wider.

Scott spoke again and Hunter's eyes snapped toward him in anger. How dare he come to her place and claim that Derek needed her? That was unacceptable!

She tightened the bowstring, making Lydia gasp. Allison tightened hers in retaliation.

"You need to leave," Hunter demanded.

"We need your help. One of my friends is going to die soon," Scott explained.

"I am not a healer, only a warrior," Hunter replied harshly, fingers burning from holding the bowstring for so long.

Lydia finally spoke up. "We need you to kill someone that's going to kill all of my friends."

Wincing, Hunter replied, "even you, young child?"

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