Chapter F o u r.

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Hai my lovely readers! :) So, this chapter is going to be a lot more long and descriptive so, I really hope you like it and, make sure to comment/vote/message me! I love reading your comments! :)

-Sarah. xOx

Zayn Malik.

"I don't want to be on!" Lucy pouts, crossing her arms over her chest as she stares at me with her big brown eyes. I smile as I scan her every feature carefully. Her brown eyes shone brightly as she looked at me. Her long brown hair was tied into a neat bun but, still she managed to look gorgeous. Her tanned skin looked soft and spot-free. Her cheeks wore a light shade of crimson and, her lips were curled into a soft pout.

I feel my cheeks heat up as I realize I'm staring and I avert my gaze to the floor. I seemed to always stare at in a -more than friends way- without even realizing it. And, it wasn't like I fancied her or anything... I definitely didn't fancy her. I guess it's just because we're so close or, I could just be paranoid, which, is the most likely of options. But, it seems like anytime I'm around her today, I find myself in a trance, like it's just me and her, and I don't understand it. I mean, I can't fancy my best friend, right? Liam would never approve. Even if I wasn't two years older than her, he would never accept the idea of Lucy and I dating. And, I can't even imagine what Lucy would think. Oh my god, I'm going mad. I have to be.

I snap out of my thoughts and avert my gaze back to Lucy. She takes a step closer and narrows her eyes at me. "Zayn...are you...alright?" She asks, her brown eyes staring right into my mocha ones.

I gulp and nod my head slowly. "Yeah, just thinking..." I manage a small smile.

She narrows her eyes at me. "About?" She presses further.

"Just...stuff." I respond slowly.

She opens her mouth to protests but, decides against it and quickly shuts it closed again. She glances around, her eyes scanning the park and a smile tugs at the corner of her lips.

She turns back to me, a glint of excitement in her eyes. "Come get ice-cream with me?" She asks. She reaches into her bag and pulls out her purse, that same childish look still plastered on her face.

I burst out with laughter, my whole body shaking as I struggle to control myself. She scowls at me and scrunches her eyebrows together which only makes me laugh harder. I'm not even sure as to what I find so funny - I don't even think I find anything funny, I'm just...laughing. You know those moments you have when, there's absolutely nothing funny, but you just laugh anyway? Well, that's how I'm feeling right now and, I'm struggling to find the will power to stop.

Finally, I manage to somehow calm myself down. Although soft chuckles continue to escape my lips every so often and my body is still shaking with laughter, I'm definitely calmer than I was before.

Lucy narrows her eyes at me. She stands rigit, her eyes narrowing further every few seconds. Her lips remain in a tight line as she stares at me. "What's so funny?" She questions.

I stare blankly at her. I honestly don't know what I found so funny. I glance around her, my eyes landing on Liam and Niall, standing at the other end of the park. They stand, Niall facing me while Liam's back is turned in my direction. They seem to be having a serious conversation, as Niall's eyebrows are creased together in concentration. I sigh then, turn my attention back to an impatient looking Lucy. I shrug my shoulders, the same blank look on my face. "I don't even know."

Her lips curl in to a smirk and she raises an eyebrow at me. She slips her purse back into bag and takes a step closer to me. She runs a hand through my hair slowly. My breath hitches in my throat as I stare at her. What the hell is going on? And why am I suddenly feeling so nervous around Lucy? Ever since Niall mentioned that we look cute together earlier, I've been feeling weird. The idiot has messed with my emotions. He's made me bloody paranoid! Now, everytime Lucy touches me, looks at me, or even talks to me, I feel my whole body go into a frenzy. I swear, I will kill Niall if this doesn't fade soon.

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