my boy

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Zayn's POV

I threw the beer bottle at the wall how could she just disappear like that. I could hear harry shouting on the phone downstairs. Niall walked into my room "Jesus Christ zayn. Calm your shit. Why are you freaking out!" The normally calm boy shouted almost red in the face. "Because I'm worried about Scarlett!" I shouted back at him "don't fucking lie zayn we all know what you do behind closed doors." I stopped dead "what"  what was when his fist connected with my face I stumbled falling onto the floor. The door brush open Louis pulled him back "WHEN WE GET HER BACK YOU LAY A HAND ON HER ILL KILL YOU!" I laid my head on the floor completely taking his shit "don't act like you fucking care about her zayn! You've been fucking beating her! We all know it!" I looked at him "even harry knows I'm surprised he hasn't smacked you one" I looked at the blood on my finger tips "you're a fucking sicko zayn! The whole house hates you!" Louis pulled him towards my door "NIALL ENOUGH  GO TO FUCKING BED!" Louis pushed him and closed the door. He pulled me up putting me in bed I looked at him "I'm sorry Louis...I didn't mean to hurt her that much I just-" he held his hand up "don't zayn. Listen I don't want to hear it. You put your hands on Harry's sister knowing her past. If your gonna say sorry to anyone try harry. Or you know what try finding the poor girl you drove away. And apologize to her while you at it." I looked at him sitting up "Louis. I may have hit her. But at least I didn't fall for her" his jaw dropped then tightened "just fuck off zayn" he stromed  out.

Harry's POV

Silence. pure. Untouched. Silence. I slowly pushed the molded door open with a creek. I shivered at the memory. A hole in the wall from the first time I watched him fire a gun. Blood stain on the floor from my first real beating. Then I saw the basement door... Locked and bolted. I pulled the deadbolts open slowly pushing the dark damp heavy door fully open the smell of blood and burning flesh invaded the air "please be alive. Please be here." I slowly flicked the light switch the blue wasn't offering much light as I walked down the stairs each step feeling as if it was to snap at any moment. Chains decorated the walls along with barbed wire and unspeakable things I looked around the damp mouldy room my eyes resting on a small fragile bleeding body in the corner "no" I ran over dropping by her side "please don't be dead don't be dead" I shook her tiny body it felt as though it might shatter at my touch. The surge of relief I felt as I saw her chest weakly rise and fall "its OK Scarlett I'll get you out of here. I'm gonna take you home I promise" I saw her heavy eyes open slowly her hand was placed on my chest giving me a weak shove "leave" the whisper was so quite I only just heard it "what no way"  something hard hit my head causing me to fall to the ground my cheek hit the harsh concrete floor "siblings sound really listen to each other" I heard the most terrifying voice in my life. As the crimson liquid flowed from my head to the ground. "Welcome home my boy" another hard hit was delivered causing me to spiral into darkness. 

Louis POV

Their both gone. This can't be happening. Not both of them. Liam assured me that harry probably went to a bar or the police station but I knew better. This is my fault I left him alone. Now what do I do.

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