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In the middle of our realtionship my family told me I was crazy to love a Muslim, friends from everywhere warned me and claimed that I had gone mad, even she told me I was crazy to love her as well.

In the end they were all right I was crazy... crazy in love with her.


I remember her expression when I claimed my love to her. She stated that how could I love her if we hadn't talked, met, or even ever seen each other. Except for those far away glances that I gave her whenever I would come by and stand next to her.

She was wrong.

I had seen her. She was in my Chemistry class many years ago.

I had met her. She was the one who stopped everyone from bullying me in high school.

I had talked to her. She was the one who told stories to me through the kiss of her voice playing the piano for me whenever I was down.

I don't know what it was, but something about her just made my insides melt.

Since the beginning my ears took in her gracious laugh. The touch of her hands when they grazed mine to help me up. My eyes stayed glued to the beauty of her eyes that glowed even in her most depressing times. The aroma of roses that blew past me every time she walked with her friends to class. I could practically taste the sweetness that surrounded her every step.


I never really realized how ill she really had been. Those days still haunt me when I should've noticed her coughs that would echo off of the walls in the alleys.

When we talked for hours in the dark and she would smile at me with her bright teeth glistening with despair from her pain. Just like the strangers that gave no second glances to us. I had also been oblivious to the fast pumps of her heart slowly decreasing.

If only I had known.

That it wasn't her who was sick...

It was me.

It was my ignorance that caused a death.

I was to blame.

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