Dangers and Burdens

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Sammy grew up faster than Leo had ever wanted for his son- his life saver. Over the years, Leo’s life was a routine: work, Sammy, sleep. Leo avoided thinking about his friends that he left behind, often regretting his choice to say goodbye to his only true friends. Yet every time Sammy laughed and smiled, Leo realized that it was all worth it; he had to protect Sammy from the torture that was his life.

Sammy crawled across the floor, his chubby hands smacking the floor as he made his way to his daddy who sat on the floor waiting for him. For a moment, a precious moment, Sammy’s smile faltered and in determination he grabbed the side of the old and worn couch in the tiny apartment and pulled himself up. Sammy’s determination now turned into a triumphant smirk as he made three unsteady steps into his daddy’s arms. The little nine month old child laughed against Leo’s thick chest. Leo squeezed Sammy tightly, realizing that maybe, just maybe, leaving all his friends behind was worth it. Small tears fell from Leo’s dark eyes and landed softly into Sammy’s black hair.

“Dah!” The little boy said, looking up at his father. Sammy shook his head. “No,” The little boy muttered, causing Leo to smile big and let a few more tears fall. Sammy was his life.

Now, Leo stood leaning against the old used car he repaired just months ago as Sammy, six year old little Sammy, walked smugly into his new school building. Leo wouldn’t admit it, but he was slightly hurt when Sammy told him that he wanted to walk into kindergarten by himself- until, of course, Sammy added the part about how ‘the ladies love an independent man.’ Even at six years old all the ladies love Sammy.

Gazing upon the courtyard that belonged to the elementary school that Sammy just walked himself into, Leo felt his heart shatter as he saw parents greeting each other and their kids doing the same. It reminded him of what Percy and Annabeth’s kids would be doing to Jason and Piper’s kids and Hazel and Frank’s kids, and what they would be doing to Sammy if Leo hadn’t left them behind. Leo shook the thought out of his head. He had to, he had leave them for Sammy. 

“Leo? Leo Valdez?” A gruff voice called to the standing adult. The hairs on the back of Leo’s neck stood up straight. He, on instinct, reached for where his tool belt was so many years ago on the Argo II. He was alarmed by the lack of belt. 

Leo turned to face the man approaching and saw the face of Zeke Marshall, a guy from the Wilderness School. He frowned slightly. Leo was never really close to anyone at the Wilderness School except for Jason and Piper. He was surprised that someone from that cursed school remembered him.

“Did you actually settle down and have a family or are you just stalking the children?” Zeke asked. Leo tried to ignore the snide tone in Zeke’s voice. That would be the reason Leo never had any friends.

“I have a son,” Leo commented sharply. “Sammy.”

Zeke nodded, “Alexis, my daughter, started preschool today.”

Leo nodded, looking down at the ground. He still felt as if something was going to go terribly wrong very quickly. He just wanted to avoid conversation and get to work. “Sammy started Kindergarten,” Leo muttered simply.

“So what was it? Are you married? Dating, or was it just a big mistake?”  Zeke asked, causing Leo to grow angry very fast. “Alexis was the result of the most awesome night of my life. Who would have ever thought that Isabel had such mad skills.”

Leo’s skin was growing hot- he could feel it. The grass around him started to melt. “Isabel? Really, I’m not even surprised you stooped down that low,” Leo retorted, his voice ice, ironic since he was going to catch on fire at any moment. “Sammy is anything but a mistake. She was a goddess and I miss her everyday. Go to Hades, Zeke Marshall,” Leo shouted, the ground around him catching on fire. Zeke stepped back uneasily.

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