Myths and Realities

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Leo had always wanted to visit LA, of course now that he stood in LA, all he wanted to do was leave. The Argo II landed in a field outside of the city earlier that day. For a moment, a very long moment, no one moved from their positions. The tension stood thick around them, mocking them. Leo hadn't seen his friends in years, there were plenty of things to talk about except Leo didn't them to be there. He just wanted to find Sammy and go back to his rough life in Houston.

After a moment, Percy began to move. "We should probably head over there now while there's still people out."

And with that the three of them began to walk towards the Underworld. Leo walked quietly looking down at the ground instead of in front of him in order to avoid, accidental eye contact. He knew that Jason and Percy were looking at him, trying to figure him out.

"You remind me of Beckendorf," Percy declared after a while of quiet walking.

Leo looked up at him slightly. "The big black dude who died to save your life?" The words came out of his mouth much colder then he meant them to, but truly he didn't want to talk. He wanted to find Sammy.

Percy's face flashed with hurt. "For Olympus." He defended quietly. Quickly he switched back to his original statement. "When I met you, you were this scrawny, insecure kid that believed you weren't capable of anything. Now you have a nice build, you are raising a son and you've found your place in the world. Beckendorf was the same way."

Leo looked down avoiding eye contact again. "Sammy's all I have. I need to find him. It's my job as a father to protect him, I couldn't even do that. Beckendorf was a hero, I'm just a bad parent."

Jason placed his hand on Leo's shoulder causing him to flinch. The action felt unnatural to him, he hadn't been comforted by anyone in a long time. "You have us, Leo. You created some crazed inventions that have completely saved our lives multiple times. You are a hero."

Leo moved his shoulder, which slid Jason's hand off. He didn't want the comfort, he needed to find his son and couldn't be bother thinking about anything else.

"Leo you're a hero in Sammy's eyes. Sammy knows you're a coming and will never give up faith in you." Jason added.

Leo's heart sank. Sammy was a Valdez and they do whatever it takes to survive.

Sammy was so happy to be walking around. After being trapped in that cell for so long, being free topped all gifts that he could possibly receive. The underworld wasn't exactly a pretty sight; souls floated screaming or floated around lonely and meaningless, the Styx held the memories and dreams of all who had died. It made Sammy sad to look all the dreams of people who had died too young, He didn't spend a lot of time near that river.

"My Sammy," Lord Hades called out to the young boy. "I have a surprise for you." 

Sammy glanced up at the god of death surprised. A surprise? "Your mother is here and can't wait to see you." Sammy smiled and turned to follow the Dark Lord to where his mother was. Hades placed a hand on his shoulder, a hand that used to be cold and threatening, but with his new allegiance Sammy felt comfortable and free with Hades. He stood in a new light. He no longer needed his dad for anything. 

Hades led Sammy into the palace. Sammy knew that in one of the conference rooms Hades' allies were planning their attack and eventual conquer of Olympus. Sammy didn't like to think about that either. As Sammy followed behind Hades, he couldn't help but notice once again the creepy elegance that was the palace. The walls were made of a deep black obsidian, souls of those who had displeased Hades the most remained trapped in the blackness for eternity. 

Sammy's feet shuffled across the red carpet, he wanted to meet his mother. He always had, but she wasn't around. His dad said she didn't want him, but Sammy never wanted to believe it to be true, maybe it wasn't true. 

Hades stopped suddenly in a long hallway lined with doors. Sammy assumed that these were the sleeping quarters, the biggest and the best for the followers of The Dark Lord. The door before them was a deep dark color that varied from the obsidian of the walls. Hades raised his hand and placed a loud knock on the door. 


LA was a big place, Leo was quick to realize that. Yet, he the more they had walked around the city, the less Leo thought of it. Perhaps it wasn't as big of deal as he had always personified it to be, of course his mind was very clouded currently. Percy led the way as he had been to the underworld twice already. Jason walked behind Leo, making him feel trapped in between the two, as if he was going to make an escape like he did all those years ago. 

"Tell me about Sammy," Jason suggested as he caught up to Leo. 

Leo shook his head. "I don't want to worry about or even think about anything other then finding him." 

Jason nodded. "I understand. if anyone had taken my kids, I wouldn't be as calm as you are right now. Tristan is 8 and he already resents us. He's got a little charmspeak in him which makes it a thousand times worse. Annabeth says its just a phase, but Pipes and I can't help but worry." Jason paused to see if Leo was listening. Leo was, he wouldn't admit it out loud, but it was helping to think about something other then Sammy's impending doom. 

"Skye on the other hand." Jason continued. "Is a little angel, except for her flying obsession. She's 6 and looks exactly like Pipes. She's so quiet and obedient. We can't figure out why Tristan is acting the way he is and not Skye." 

Leo smiled seeing the smile that Jason got when he talked about his family. Leo understood what it was like to love someone so much that even mentioning their name can brighten up your day. 

"Sammy walked into his first day of kindergarten alone because the ladies loved an independent man." Leo explained, smiling as he recalled the happy memory. "I worked all the time and yet he never complained about us not having as much as his friends." Leo's face broke into a complete smile as he remembered his son's childhood.

"At first I was angry at him, Sammy that is, because he was the reason that Calypso didn't want to be with me anymore. But then, for a moment, I looked at the innocent, perfect baby before me and realized that if Calypso didn't want me because we created something so perfect then she never really loved me." 

Jason laughed, it wasn't a mocking laugh, but a laugh that made him realize how badly he had missed his best friend. "So, when did you get so wise Repair boy?" 

Leo smiled, realizing that he too had missed his best friend. "About the same time you went soft Sparky. " 

Percy turned around to face the two men behind him. "There." He pointed to the DOA Studios sign. "That's the entrance to the Underworld." 


The door opened slowly, much to Sammy's dismay.

"Lord Hades," A female voice spoke behind the opening door. The voice sounded vaguely familiar and made Sammy's heart began to dance. "Is this important because I was about to go sight seeing?" 

Hades pushed the door completely open to reveal a large room with a definite tropical theme. A woman, a very beautiful woman in Sammy's opinion, stood near the door with a pair of shorts and sungalsses on her caramel hair. 

"I wanted to show you someone." Hades stated shortly. 

The woman rolled her eyes. "Make this quick, I've got plans," 

Hades nodded, "Of course lady Calypso." He turned his head slightly. "Sammy, come here child." 

Slowly, Sammy crept forward into their sight. Calypso's eyes instantly registered who was standing before him. "Did Valdez get the child killed already? I knew I should've kept him." 

Sammy's heart started to beat faster. Calypso leaned over to look at him closer. 

"You seem like a much better child. You ruined my figure for week after you were born." Calypso stood up and looked at her nails. "Well this was a nice reunion. Uh, What was his name again? Ah whatever. Please excuse I have things to do." Calypso pushed past Sammy and walked out of the room. 

Sammy was confused. That wasn't how a reunion with his mother was supposed to be. She was supposed to hug and kiss him and tell him how much she loved him, like Sammy's dad did. For the first time since Sammy agreed to Hades' plan, Sammy missed his dad. A lot. 

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