Chapter 4 - Interviews

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Chapter 4

Dinah's Pov

It's been 2 weeks since the album release party and Mani confessing her love to me now we're together and life couldn't get any better than this. Wait.. did I mention that our album reached number one on iTunes and our hit WFH reached 1 on billboards hot 100. Everything is moving so fast every time we turn our heads something new pops up speaking of something new we have another meeting with Simon today but we don't know what it's about. I'm so nervous because I'm 100% sure that this meeting is about me and Mani's relationship. I hope they say something good because I don't wan't to break up with Mani for the sake of our careers. We're all in the car heading to the office now and my nerves are getting the better of me causing my leg to shake uncontrollably. I felt somebody squeeze my hand, I looked up to see chocolate eyes staring at me with so much love that my leg stops shaking. She smiled at me and gave me a sweet kiss telling me that everything was going to be okay. I hope so.

At the meeting

"Okay ladies let's get down to it, now are you two dating each other?" Simon asked pointing to me and Normani. "Yes.." Normani said nervously while holding my hand. Simon looked at us with no emotion on his face, after what felt like hours he finally responded.

"Well ladies no need to look so glum I'm not here to rain on your parade, I actually want to congratulate the both of you on your relationship your fans love the idea of you two being together which unknowingly boosted your album sale and caused your single to go up the charts. So ladies there is no bad news at this meeting." He said clapping his hands me and Mani ran to give him a hug because we both thought for a second that our careers were over.

"Ladies I am so proud of all of you, Today is your first day of tour your bus will pick you up in 2 hours and you have a interview in 30 minutes, good luck on your tour ladies." He said hugging all of us before walking out. We all walked quickly out of the office to go to the car so that we can make it to the interview on time.

At the interview

We made it to the interview 10 minutes late because of traffic luckily the interviewer wasn't rude and he understood how L.A traffic could be. He told us that his name was Justin and that he loved our music we thanked him before the cameras started rolling.

"Ok everyone I'm here with the ladies of Fifth harmony, and might I say ladies you are doing outstanding on the charts." He said once the camera started recording. "Thank you." We all said at the same time. "Ladies is it true that I heard your tour starts today?" He asked.

"Yeah we're leaving in 2 hours on our tour bus to Camden, New Jersey where we will be performing tomorrow night." Lauren said since she was the closets to him. "What's the one thing that you guys are the most excited about? He asked us to individually answer.

"For me I would have to say being able to travel more and to be able to meet our fans that we may have seen or not seen before." Camila said thoughtfully we all agreed with her answer.

"Ok Normani now we've texted before and remember what i said I'll bring you next time I saw you." He said while holding his hand behind his back. Hold up when was they texting each other and how long ago was this? I thought to myself feeling jealousy stir inside of me.

"Yeah I remember it was around Thanksgiving time and you came to my house and we were talking about cranberry pie or something like that." Normani said remembering the conversation they had. "Well here you go. I brought it just for you." He said moving his hand from behind his back to show her the can of cranberry sauce. "Oh my god thank you that was so thoughtful." Normani said taking the can of cranberry sauce.

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