Ep.1 THE ENCOUNTER (part 2)

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The next morning at 7:00am sharp, Iamma recived a knock on her door. 

"Iamma! I'm here and I've got all that info you asked for!" Angela announced loudly. "Hey, Iamma? You awake?" She questioned after not receiving  a response. 

"Of course I'm up!" Iamma screamed from the window of her room on the second floor. "And stop screaming! It's 7:01am! People are trying to sleep!" Iamma yelled in annoyance.

"Sorry Iamma." Angela said. "It's okay, Ange." Iamma said. "I'll be down in sec."

A few minutes went by and Iamma's front door opened to reveal A short little girl wearing a white and purple striped jumpsuit and a matching helmet, holding a pink skateboard. 

"Whao, Iamma! You look....different..." Angela said in awe. 

Iamma frowned. "Well, don't just stand there! Tell me if I look good or not!" Iamma demanded as she spun around for Angela to judge all sides. 

"Oh! You look great Iamma! You make anything  look good!" Angela said. Not wanting to upset Iamma any further this morning.

"I knew that, Ange." Iamma said. "Now, tell me everything you leaned." Iamma hopped on her pink skate board and skated away, expecting Angela to follow. Which she did. Angela trotted along side Iamma. Trying to keep up. "I didn't know you knew how to skate board?" Angela said.

"There's a lot of things you don't know about me Ange." Iamma said as she flawlessly skated down the sidewalk. 

"How did you get all that hair into your helmet?" Angela asked.

"Okay less questioning, more telling! Tell me what you learned."  Iamma ordered. 

"Oh! Right!" Angela cleared her throat. "Well, Kick's full name is Clearance Francis Buttowski...."

~30 minutes later~

"And that's everything I could find on Kick. Still having trouble finding that social security number though." Angela finished as they arrived at West Melowbrook Elementary.

"That's alright. Good work Ange!" She said as she patted Angela on the head and gave her a cupcake.

"Now, Ange, we are about to enter a new enviorment with new peers. What's the number one rule when we go to new places?"

"Make sure everyone knows your name, and that't youv'e got game!" Angela soluted. 

"Excellent!" Amm said. With stars in her eyes. Knowing her henchman wouldn't mess this up, she would surely look flawless in front of Kick.

"Angela! The doors." Iamma ordered. As if it was common sense.
"Oh right! Sorry Iamma!" Angela said as she opened the doors.

"And don't call me Iamma any more. It's Amm now. Amm Buttowski." Iamma said as she walked through the entrance.
"Buttowski? But I thought your last name was....Wait what IS your last name??" Angela questioned.

Iamma put a finger to her friend's mouth.

"Can it, Ange! I had it legally changed!  I am Amm Buttowski and you will announce me and address me as such!" Amm said, giving Angela a death glare.

"Okay! Okay!" Angela said frantically. "I'll call you Amm from now on!!!"

"Good. Now, be a good wing man and help catch a man." Iamma said. As the doors closed behind them and all eyes were on Amm....

Amm Buttowski: Episode 1: The EncounterWhere stories live. Discover now