Episode 1: The Encounter (part 4) FINALE

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Amm and Angela sat in the cafeteria. Amm threatened to turn the lives of the lunch ladies upside down if they did not give her some food.  So they gave her some food. Amm enjoyed a peanut butter and marshmallow sandwich (Kick's favorite) and Angela enjoyed some lingonberry pie (Gunther's fave). 

As they ate, The medium hieght blond girl from the end of the last chapter walked in. Still wearing her dumb sweater." 

"Well well well." Her voice echoed through the empty cafeteria. "If it isn't Amy and my little ssissster, Angela.

Amm nearly coughed up her snack as she whipped around to see who dared to call her by the wrong name! She was so

Amm nearly coughed up her snack as she whipped around to see who dared to call her by the wrong name! She was so

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"Kendall Perkins......" Amm growled She hated this punta! 

"KENDALL!?" Angela exclaimed in anger at the mere sight of her older sister. "Shouldn't you be in class?" Angela asked.

"Shouldn't YOU be in class?" Kendall replied. "I practically run this school and I have never had a tardy held against me. I can miss one class. Especially if it's so I can keep you and your little friend in check. " She finished.

Amm crushed her juice box in her fist. "My name isn't Amy! It's Iamma! And don't EVER call me little! I prefer the term "smol". Amm yelled at Kendall. 

"Whatever, Amy.B. That's not what I'm here to talk about." Kendall said, giving Amm a glare. 

Amm smirked. "Oh really? Whatever could you need to confront me about, Kendall?"

"Kick. It's about Kick." Kendall replied in a stern tone. 

"Kick,Kick...Hmmm....It rings a bell... Where have I heard it before...."  Amm pretended to ponder.

"Cut the crap, Amy! I know your after Kick! But I'm here to tell you he's mine!" Kendall snapped.

"OOHH! That's where I heard it before! From this!" Amm said as she pulled a pink and green journal out from under her helmet. It was Kendall's diary!!! 

Kendall gasped! "WHERE DID YOU GET THAT!?" Kendall screamed and snatched the journal.

Amm smirked. "Why don't you ask this one." Amm replied and pointed to Angela.

Angela stopped chewing her pie. 

"ANGELA!! I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN!!! YOU ARE THE WORST LITTLE SISTER EVER!!! SPIT OUT THAT PIE!! RIGHT NOW!!! WAIT TILL I TELL MOM AND DAD WHAT YOU DID!!!!"  Kendall yelled as she smacked Angela upside the head, causing her to spit out the chewed up pie back onto her plate.

Amm pushed Kendall away from Angela. "Get the heck away from her, Kennedy! I told her to do it!" Amm shouted. She turned around to Angela. "Don't spit that out, Ange! I got that for you to enjoy!" She said and fed Angela another slice of pie and stroked the back of her head.  

Amm Buttowski: Episode 1: The EncounterWhere stories live. Discover now