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December - 2013


I looked up from my bag to see Matthew and Nicholas Maisie, also know as the Young Bucks, make their way towards me. The two were already dressed in their black and white attire for their match tonight. I smiled up at them and embraced them in hugs.

"Hey boys. How's everything going?"

"Well, if they are as half as good as you look right now, then tonight is going to be great."  Nick smirked down at my attire and winked, getting an eye roll out of his older brother and a giggle out of me.

"Charming, Nick. But you're not my type." I smiled sweetly before reaching into my bag and spraying my body with some body spray.

"Yeah, Nick. We all know she prefers Devitt in bed over you." Matt joked, causing my jaw to drop. I felt the heat rise to my face as the brothers laughed.

"Hey!" I laughed as well and slapped him on the arm.

"But it's true."

I rolled my eyes and continued to get ready for my match. I was scheduled to take on Maria Kenellis and her husband Mike Bennett in mixed tag team action with my fellow Bullet Club member and on-screen boyfriend, Fergal "Prince Devitt" Devitt.

"Don't you two have a match to get to?" I looked up at them.

"Oh shit, yeah. Bye, Luna." Matt grabbed his brother and rushed out of the room to get into position.

I giggled and finished up my preparation for my match. Hopefully the crowd would be as great as always. Grabbing my leather jacket, I left my locker room to go find my partner.

Not long after, our match was up. Maria and Mike started to make their way out to the ring as I waited for Fergal to show. I started to twist the ends of my hair out of nervousness. I was unable to locate him when I went looking for him earlier, but I did find Drew "Doc Gallows" Hankinson and Chad "Karl Anderson" Allegra. They said that he would be here and to not worry; I still worried though.

Once Maria and Mike made it into the ring, he finally appeared in his black trunks and leather jacket. He gave me a toothy grin when he noticed me, but I scoffed in response.

"Where the hell were you, Devitt? We go out any moment now!" A bit of my Spanish accent showed as I grew angry with him for being so unprofessional. But, to be honest, that was a part of his whole genius. He seemed to shrug it off as he pulled his bandana over his mouth.

"I'm here now, aren't I? You really need to relax, love." His voice dropped an octave and sounded sexier than normal. He gave me a wink as the stagehand urged us towards the curtains. I felt him reach over and give my hand a squeeze as they started our music. I thought nothing of it; he usually did that before a match.

"対戦相手, Luna Prince Devitt, Bullet Club!" The announcer called from the ring, bringing a wave of boo's from the crowd. Fergal and I both chuckled at the top of the ramp at the reaction of the fans.

I raised my jacket over my head as he surveyed the crowd. Placing it over my shoulder, Fergal grabbed ahold of my hand and interlaced our fingers before heading down the ramp. His expression was mostly blank due to the bandana on his face as I smirked towards the crowd.

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