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Tampa was alive and well the night of Raw. With Clash of Champions the night before, the fans were still riding that high of adrenaline. The matches themselves could've been better, but no one seemed to be complaining.

Alyx, Claudio, and myself headed in the Amalie Arena where Raw would be taped that night. A friendship was beginning to blossom between the fan deemed "Greek Goddess" and I; after many nights sharing a hotel room together, we decided to become acquaintances. Plus, I always found a good workout with the pair with Claudio's Crossfit regiment.

Entering the building, a ring came from my sweatshirt pocket. I let out a breath as that was the sixth time, at least, that it has sounded in the last hour. After seeing the first couple messages, I disregarded the rest.

After setting our stuff down in the locker room, Alyx and I headed to catering to get a bite to eat. As we grabbed some food and sat down, another ring sounded from my phone.

"Can you please just check your phone? I swear, if that thing rings once more, I'm throwing it against that wall." She threatened, causing me to cower slightly in my seat. Even though she was younger and smaller than I, she was still intimidating as hell.

"It's Fergal. I'm not answering him." I replied annoyed before taking a bite of the fruit on my plate.

"Look, I realize things aren't the greatest between the two of you right now, but avoiding him won't solve your problems. It's never too late to make things right. He's trying to reach you, Luna, but you refuse to look past what ever happened between the two in the past for him to settle things straight."

As she spoke, I looked down at the messages on my phone.

9/26/16 | 6:31 p.m.
Luna, I know you don't want anything to do with me. But please, hear me out. I've had a lot of time to think due to surgery, and every time I get to thinking, my mind goes back to us in Japan. Oh, how happy we used to be. I never meant to hurt you the way I did and lose you not only as a friend, but as my love. I am still in love with you, Luna Montoya. I'd scream it from the rooftops if you'd let me. But you'd rather keep me silent. I can't blame you, though; if I were in your shoes, I'd hate me too.

9/26/16 | 6:41 p.m.
Please, just give me five minutes to explain myself. Five minutes. That's all I need.

9/26/16 | 6:45 p.m.
I'm sorry. God, I'm so sorry.

My body stiffened as I read them over. I could just imagine him sitting in front of me, tears in his eyes, spilling his heart out to me in apology. It hurt to know that I was causing this much emotional pain during this rough patch of his life, but not as much as he hurt me.

"Please, Luna," I looked up to see Alyx reaching across the table to place a thoughtful hand on mine. In her eyes, I could see she wanted the best for both Fergal and myself, "Please, just hear him out."

I let out a deep breath before removing my hand from hers. Moving my hands down to my phone, my fingers hovered over the screen. I weighed my possibilities if going through with this: finally fixing things or getting hurt again. A chill ran up my spine as I picked the latter of the two. Standing up from my seat, I headed further backstage to find a quiet area.

Positioning myself on top of an empty crate, I looked down at my phone again. His contact had since been removed from my phone, but the messages returned it to me. Part of me told me not to do it, not to return to him. However, the other part me realized to stop the constant heartache, I needed to do this.

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