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Two months later

"The following contest is a mixed tag team match, scheduled for one fall!" Joseann smiled in the middle of the ring, causing the fans to roar.

I let out a deep breath and bounced on balls of my feet. Cracking my neck both ways slightly, I watched as Lexi "Alexa Bliss" Kaufman and Windham "Bray Wyatt" Rotunda made their way out to the ring. The five foot woman was currently in a storyline with the bigger man, as he believed she was the human carnation of his beloved Sister Abigail. I was quite intrigued with the story and couldn't wait to see where it could go.

"Ready, Lun?"

I looked to my left to see a now healthy Fergal Devitt walk up beside me. This would be his returning match. His hands tightened his leather jacket around him as a smile formed on his face. Looking him up and down, I found myself smirking.

"Can you keep up, Devitt?"

He chuckled at that. My music started up and the lights dimmed. As I started to head to through the curtain, I believed I heard him say something along the lines of "Just like old times".

In the middle of the ring, Lexi had me in a tight side headlock. A wicked smirk crossed her face as I desperately tried to break free from her grip. The fans tried their hardest to share their energy with me, but it only made Lexi's strength flourish.

Across the ring, Fergal repeatedly stomped his foot on the steel steps, starting a rhythm to get the momentum on my side. The fans follows suit, clapping alongside him.

Slowly, I found the energy to get to my feet, hitting Lexi in the stomach until she released my head. I then rushed to the other side of the ring and hit her with a hard Sling Blade of my own. The fans roared at the sight of the move, and I could feel Fergal smile across the ring.

Both of us were down, causing Cone to start counting to ten. Slowly, the two of us had the same idea: get to our partner. Looking up at him through my hair, I reached as far as I could to tag in my Irish partner. Even he leaned over the ropes as much as he could to reach me.

"Come on, Lun." He cheered as he continued to reach.

For a split moment, I suddenly thought of Japan, of one of the last matches he and I had had together. We were up against Maria and Mike Bennett in mixed tag action. How similar these two events were. I remember how happy we were afterwards, the kiss we shared in front of a crowd that considered us heels.

Oh how far we've come.

Now, I didn't fear being considered a face. After he admitted to his actions, I no longer had this overwhelming fear constantly looming over me. It was like a weight was lifted from my shoulders.

But that didn't mean I had forgiven him.

Pushing the thoughts aside, I reached up with the rest of my energy and tagged in Fergal; Lexi tagged in Windham soon after.

The whole ending was a blur, Fergal moved too fast in his red and black attire for me to realize what was happening. It was when Lexi stopped a pin that I snapped back to reality. Stepping back into the ring, I kicked her hard in the stomach and hit an impressive Fin Del Sol.

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