five || his bride

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Kyle sat on the edge of a tall building, overlooking the exquisite city of London below. He would often retire to this spot when he needed some time alone. Kyle could hear many noises from up here. Cars honking, people arguing, babies crying, children laughing- everything. He leaned on his hands as he sat gazing at a distance, while cold winter winds blew and tousled his raven hair.

As he lay lazing, one particular dialogue, however, caught his attention. He strained his ears to hear the conversation between a young woman and an old lady by the roadside.

'-like to purchase this topaz ring, dearie.' rasped the feeble old woman, the mist of her breath turning into frost each time she spoke.

'Maybe some other time Madame. I have to rush home now. It's freezing! You should retire too, Madame.'

The old woman grabbed her wrist. 'Oh, please stay and talk to me miss!'

'I will come tomorrow night, Madame. Farewell.' She broke free of the woman's grasp and scurried down the cold, deserted street. She was so caught up with her thoughts that she failed to notice a speeding car when she ran across the road.


Kyle heard the noise and sat bolt upright. An accident? he thought. He turned his head towards the source of the noise. Kyle then focused and strained his eyes to the source- only to see a woman lying on a snow covered ground and a car speeding away. The snow-white ground around the woman was slowing turning a dark shade of scarlet. There was nobody around to help her.

Kyle turned his head away, ignoring the cries of the dying woman. He leaned on his hands once more and continued gazing at a distance. Accidents like this happened so frequently it was considered a norm to him.

'P-please... Someone... Help me!' the voice of the young woman wavered. 'If there is a god out there, please save me.'

Of course, Kyle heard everything she uttered from her weak mouth, but he turned a deaf ear- for it was his rule not to interfere with the life and death of humankind. He closed his eyes. Just let her be. Kyle stood up and dusted his hands, ready to leave.

'Please save me. P-please. Anyone.'

Kyle stopped in his tracks, each word she weakly uttered rang annoying in his ears. He sighed and evaporated in a cloud of blue mist.

The young woman lay still on the deserted road, shivering and weak, as she lay dying. She painfully yearned for the warmness of her home. Her breath hitched as silent tears flowed down like rivulets down her pale face.

No, she thought. I cannot die like this. She moved her hand, trying to give warmth to her belly; in vain. She felt abnormally tired. Her eyelids felt extremely heavy and she was fighting hard to stay awake. Just as she was about to give up, however, bright blue mist appeared before her eyes and a tall man with eyes glowing like the brilliant blue sky materialized in front of her.

The young woman arched her head and looked at him pleadingly. 'P-please s-sir... Whoever you are, p-please save me. I-I cannot d-die like this.'

Kyle looked at her almost sympathetically. 'Young mortal, try as I may, it is a rule that I cannot interfere with the life and death of humans.' he said sadly.

'P-please,' she rasped, her teeth chattering as she fought hard to stay awake. 'It's okay if y-you don't want to s-save me, b-but please s-save my c-child.' she sobbed.

Kyle gave a heavy sigh. I shouldn't have come here, he thought. What have I gotten myself into? Nevertheless, he was unable to shake off that uneasy feeling when the young woman begged him to save her. The way the words she spoke rang in his ear... in a commanding way- it was as if he was meant to do her bidding. It was terribly strange. Nobody was able to do this before.

Kyle glanced at her with empathy, his heart aching with a profound sadness he never thought he could possibly feel.

'You are lucky you met a weak-hearted being.' Kyle whispered, as he knelt down before her and reached out his hand towards her face. Wisps of blue energy rolled out of his hovering hand like tendrils of a plant towards her face.

The young woman gasped as blue mist engulfed her whole body, healing and closing all her wounds rapidly. By the time she stood up, there wasn't a scratch on her body; for she was completely healed.


The grim reaper trudged through the snow, his fedora hat pulled low. He stopped when he saw a large scarlet stain on the snow and stood by it. His light- brown eyes blazed with an intensity so great that he would've a burned a hole through a concrete wall. From his coat pocket, he pulled out a small black envelope and opened it, revealing two tiny white cards inside.

'Erica Tanner, female, Caucasian, aged 27. Passed away at 10.07p.m., 1998, February the twenty-first. Cause of death, car accident.' he read, and glanced at the scarlet-stained snow in disdain. Where the hell is she? He wondered. He checked his watch. I arrived on time.

The grim reaper then pulled out the second card and read, 'Erica Tanner's unborn child, nameless, Caucasian. Passed away at 10.07p.m., 1998, February the twenty-first. Cause of death, car accident.' He swivelled and looked around, puzzled. There was no sight of the dead woman anywhere.

Could she have gotten up and asked for help? he wondered. Or- could it be a mistake? The grim reaper brooded silently as he reread at the cards in his hand. Judging from the large blood stain on the snow, she couldn't have possibly got up and asked for help; for too much blood has been lost.

Were the cards wrong, then? He clenched his teeth and shook his head. No, the cards were never wrong. Something must have happened.

The grim reaper carefully pushed the cards in the envelope and tucked it in his pocket.

'There can be only one explanation.' he muttered as he lifted his head and glanced at a distance. 'Someone-or something saved the woman.'

He turned around and looked at the deserted street behind him.

'She was saved... by something who has the power to heal a dying soul.' Almost at once, realisation donned on the grim reaper's handsome face.

He gritted his teeth and clenched his fists.


And he disappeared in wisps of black mist.


5 months later.

The young woman sat on a hospital bed, clutching a newborn baby in her hands and smiled lovingly at it.

'Erin Tanner.' she whispered to the red-faced baby, pulling it close to her heart.

Just outside the window behind her bed, hordes of invisible spirits crowded behind it, each wanting to catch a glimpse of baby Erin.

The ghouls shuffled noiselessly behind the window and whispered to each other,

'The goblin's bride is born.'


Hi guys! What do you think of the new chapter? Feel free to comment your thoughts! Will upload the next chapter soon.

PS* I accept any form of constructive criticism! :)

PPS* The photo above belongs entirely to the Korean drama entitled The Lonely Shining Goblin.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2019 ⏰

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