•• Introduction ••

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Thank you for choosing 'My Blindness'.

I wish for you to enjoy the book and I hope the story and the characters find a special place in your heart and that they stay close to you for most of your life.

It's a story that you'll either love with a strong, strong passion or hate with a passion (but surely not too strong), there's no inbetween.

Before you start off, however, please note that this book actually needs some serious editing which I'll be starting off with as soon as I finish working on another book that I'm currently writing.

Therefore, ignore all the childish errors you come across as I wrote this story at a very young age. However, constructive criticism is always appreciated. So don't hesitate in pointing out any grammatical errors, spelling mistake etc.

Also, do not plagiarise my work. Copying any scene, dialogue, and especially the story plot, as well as changing them into your own words includes in plagiarism. Any such act is punishable by law.

I hope you'll enjoy reading this story. Do share your feedback as I'd love to hear from you.

H A P P Y  R E A D I N G !

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