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My wet eyes were heavy, and then closed. I was just sitting on the floor, with my right side attached to the wall.

I squeezed my eyes, trying to lessen the severe headache. But it still felt like my skull would break the next instant.

Soon, I heard someone coming towards me. It was the same heartbeat, that of Trevor. I opened my eyes and waited for him to enter.

As he entered with a tray if food in his hands, I realized, I could see each thing attached to him, everything he touched, except for the surface he stood on.

And that's the reason why you see the clothes attached to him. Otherwise . . .

Oh Lord, why does my brain like to think about rubbish.

"What are you here for now? You have already broken my trust into pieces."

"Here, take your lunch," he ignored my words.

"I don't need it."

"That's your problem. I am leaving it here. Eat it whenever you want."

"I want to go home," I begged.

"But you won't."

"Please!" I pleaded.

At this, he walked towards me, his eyes set into a deep glare, boring into mine, and his jaw set. How awestruck could I have been at his looks if it weren't for this day.

Within a second, I was in his tight hold and my back was pinned to the wall.

"Let me tell you the truth, Sarah," he said through gritted teeth, his voice deep and dangerous, "I am a criminal. You get it? A criminal. It's a gang of almost forty people and they are looking for us, to kill us. You get it? Kill. Us."

I felt his breath fall on my face as he finished, and bless everything inside my body that turned upside down.

Soon enough, I pushed him away.

"Go away! I hate you to the hell and back," my voice cracked. "You are a cheater. You first got me away from my father and then y-you... Well, once my dad finds out about this, you don't know what he'll do to you."

He chuckled sarcastically at my response, without another word, he left.

Just as he banged the door shut, I fell on my knees.

I could've believed him, believed myself. I could've believed the fact that he was doing wrong to me.

But, somehow, deep inside my heart, the breeze of some trust was blowing. He betrayed me, but even then, my heart said I could trust him.


A/N: Look who's back? Me!!!!!

I know, the chapter is too short but one of my favourites. I loved writing this one.

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