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We continued to our destination, our home.

I have been wanting to thank Trevor for all he did for me. But, my ego is the size of China—not a small country, at all..

I walked, following his muscular back. The guy was taller than six feet and the little light of sunrise is making the brown shades out of his black hair, shine brightly.

"Thank you so much, Trevor." I smiled, pushing away my ego.

"For what?" He said, absentmindedly.

"For saving me."

"Your welcome." .

"If you wouldn't have saved me, those men will have . . . I don't know what they would have done to me." I stopped here. I didn't want to continue with my words.

He only nodded in response, not even sparing a glance my way..

All I wanted to do right now was to jump out of this ambiguous situation and I can't do that unless I reach home.

I kept walking without holding someone's hand. Otherwise, I do need someone to hold my hand because this was the forest I was walking in, and what if I stumble, again.

But as I had a human being in my sight, Trevor. So I didn't need a hand to hold. I could go all by myself, just by following him.

My mind was disturbed by the sound of huge rotors moving at a distance. A part of my brain told me to freak out, the other asked me to stay quiet. Implying the former, I called Trevor..

"Trevor, listen." I called.

"Yeah," he answered, without turning around.

The nerve of this guy!

"Something's approaching us."


"Something's approaching us and they sound like rotors. I mean, I think it's a helicopter. And it even sounds like some humans are in there." I explained.

"What? You heard a helicopter approaching us and you even felt some humans?" He asked, finally turning around.


"I think it's them," he was suspicious.

"Who-" the realization hit me, and I shut my mouth.

It was too late to run now. The rotors had already neared us. And without wasting a second, Trevor grabbed my hand and ran.

Did we only have to run in this journey?

It wasn't later until I heard a the helicopter land nearby, and human bodies surround us. As Trevor tightened his hand around mine, I heard a gun fire a bullet, followed by a loud groan.

Trevor's groan.

They shot him on his arm.

But before I could muster the strength to move and hold him from falling, I felt a rough hands wrap around me and hold a strongly fragrant piece of cloth to my mouth.

And then, I had fainted.


A/N: Hello! I think this chapter was a little cliché and I'm not much proud of it, I do not know why...

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