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I'm gay

I can already tell judgement is in your eyes

When I say I'm queer

Do you think of a butch girl or a white gay guy with a six pack?

Or is it a rainbow cape that you are looking for

Like hello can I help you

I'm really gay

Head to toe dressed in rainbows and skipping down the hall throwing skittles

I embrace the rainbow

Is that what queer looks like

What gay looks like

What I look like

I didn't know that queer had a certain appearance

Or I had to come out and you know I'm queer before i actually am queer

There is more to lgbtq+ then

What meets your eyes

I'm like a cheerio but instead a queerio

Like hello I'm gay

Is that something I have to say

Or can it be perceived that I'm not straight

You have a sneaking suspicion but never really sure

So there is one thing that needs to be cleared up

Lesbians can have long hair

Gay guys can be skinny and no 6 pack

Les be honest here

Bisexual isn't a phase

Pansexual doesn't mean we are sexually attracted to pans

Trans People aren't confused and are pretty awesome

And for fucks sake queer isn't an insult

Hello im queer

And really don't think that my appearance

Makes an invite to be called a faggot

Or anything like that

So what did you really expect

My room screaming this is my gaydom

Or gayspariation

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