11.Home Affairs Part 2

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arriving home there was a quiet tension between the two as neither was willing to back down as they drove up the driveway .
"fine we won't talk about it now but we will talk about it, I know you don't blame me but I just feel like I could have some more as your father you were my little bird and I left you to defend the nest not thinking about the predators around you" Her father said when he had switched off the car "so I'll let you prepare for when I do bring this up because we will not ignore it like before I won't let what happened..."

"Dad I'm fine!" Amber shouted befor he could finish "I understand and I know we can't keep tiptoeing around this like before trust me I FUCKING!!!! understand ok , you trying to be father of the year now is not what I need form you at the moment . Please respect that when I am ready I will talk about it and only then don't push me" she said barely controlling her anger as she got out of the car slamming her door and marching up to her floor and locking herself in leaving her father to sit there and wonder once more for what seemed the millionth time when had he gone wrong and he had regretted the idea that giving her money and the many nannies she had would equate to a healthy childhood and now he had to try and earn the trust of a daughter he barely knew, only time would tell if they could mend their broken relationship and rebuild their nest (I just had to reference The Girl Who Stole My World this book is amazing and so are the other books by Whiskeyqueenn she is just Amazing and my inspiration)

After she had cooled she went to fetch her bags that had been dropped at the doors that led to her sanctuary the hub of her creativity and began to unpack. An hour later she was pulling out a canvas and had began painting the picture of a boy with the world in his eyes and a smile like sunshine for the next six hours.
"hey bitch you finally here" yelled her best friend Lena said as she dived into her bed and lay face down "my gosh I missed your bed,is it legal to marry a bed cause I've found the love oc my life I seriously could die right now" she said in a muffled voice

"and here I thought you missed me you little thot" Amber said with a laugh as she continued to paint

"oh you're not so bad either" Lena said with a shrug

"I feel the love Ems I feel the love" Amber said rolling her eyes

"What happened" Lena asked her tone turning  serious

"noth..." Amber began

"the bell it's nothing ,you only paint HIM when the cravings come back and you only crave when you are upset so tell me what happened" Lena said coming to stand behind her and turning Amber to face her

"Dad wants to talk" Amber said turning back to her painting and continuing

"And are you ready to talk to him about it?" Lena gingerly asked watching Amber's body language carefully when she stilled her brush and just staired at her incomplete canvas a little crease forming between her eyebrows her eyes running all over the blank spaces .

"I honestly don't really know how to feel about it you know I want to bury it and move on and I know talking about it is a step in the right direction but..." Amber said after a while

"I understand how..."

"Finish that sentence and I'll cut your tongue out" Amber interrupted her in a cold and calm voice barely removing her eyes from the canvas that she had been adding a bloody black colour that seemed unsure as to wether it should be black or a dark omnious red.

"Amber..." Lena said slowly

"I don't want to forget ,it's just not right and it would not be fair to him if I just swept him under the rug and pretend that what we had was nothing ,because that's how everyone sees it right. That it was just an infatuation, but it wasn't it was something pure and morbidly beautiful, was it self depreciating of course and we knew that better than anyone but there was this pull that we couldn't deny around him I was in my own pocket universe where I was QUEEN and he was my king willing to lay his life for my joy and there is no one who can ever understand that you think you can but you can't such devotion is too devineto be understood by third parties so I will only warn once do not talk about him or what we where again like you understand cause you don't and you never will" Amber continued in that same calm voice as the strokes of her brush quickened while she lost herself in her work and Lena day back and thought about what Amber had just said afterall it was the most she had ever said to anyone about the topic "Please leave I need to be alone" Amber said not turning to face her and Lena stood and walked to the door where she stopped and turned

"You know surrounding yourself with phantom memories and double edged facades will only just make it worse I'm not saying you have to talk about it now but you have to let the people who care about you in" Lena said and as soon as she had finished her little speech a carving dagger flew past Lena's head and hit the door "call me when your nolonger in psycho mode" she said angrily slamming her door on the way out leaving Amber sitting there painting as the silent years fell down her cheeks a blank  look in her eyes

(later on)
After hours Amber put her brushes and went down for dinner.
To say that the dinner table was filled with an awkward tension was an understatement as they remained silent and ate their dinner avoiding eye contact

"So Amber how was the school term" Melissa asked softly trying to tread carefully as she had spoken to Lena as she was leaving

"ok" Amber curtly answered making Melissa flinch at her tone and look at her plate quietly thinking that Amber had been upset at something Melissa had done but it wasn't infact Amber was just in a bad mood and did not feel like talking to anyone

"oh Kevin I wanted to know if you are able to pick Daniel up from the airport tomorrow" Mel asked Kevin

"who is Daniel?" Amber asked

"oh Daniel is Melissa's son he will be living with us for a whil..."  Kevin replied before Amber interrupted him

"And why was I not consulted about this" Amber hissed her anger rising

"there was no ne..."

"No need! no need , so there is no need to inform me of another person entering my home with Mel I got over it but this is too much I will no.." Amber said her voice going up an octave

"this is my house Amber" Kevin returned raising his voice

"but it's my home" Amber roared

"well as long as you are under my roof you will do as I say" he thundered and after that sentence the silence was chilling as they glared at eachother till Amber broke it and stormed to get room with her father at her heels "Amber come back here I'm not done talking to you"

"I'm done" Amber replied viciously while packing her things

"what are you doing" Kevin demanded while she finished packing her suitcase and walking out not saying a word.

Amber headed straight to Caleb's apartment using the spare key she had opening the door she stormed in and opened his bedroom door

"Caleb" Amber whispered at the site that met her as she saw Caleb in a compromising position with none other than one of her close friends Landria

LOVE CAREBEAR♡♡♡☆☆😍😍😍😬😬😬😬😆😆😆😄😄😄😄😄

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