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So I have some inspiration suddenly so a writing I'm going.
FRIEND :n 1. Someone whom one knows and likes. 2. A supporter or patron of a cause or group.
Friends; someone you care about. Someone you trust. Someone who can lift you up. Someone who care about you. Someone who trust you. Someone you lift up. We all have at least one of them or at least had one. Personally I had many different types of friends. Some I'm not so proud to say that they are/ were my friends. For when I do I'm told repeatedly that I should not be friends with them because of how they act. Yeah, how people act should not bother you as long as you are comfortable with it.
Not only do I have experience with friends but also my siblings. Let's just say that my friendships go a lot more smoothly than their. For example one day they can be best of friends, and the next ( can't believe that this actually happened) they can be making each other cry and not caring about it. But it will go back and forth between that. If you ask me , just stop being friends with them. If they don't care about you being in tears then they aren't worth your time. Yeah, it may seem a bit harsh, but come on are you really going to stay friends with them once you truly see what's happening? I'm guessing no.
But sometimes these 'fights' are caused by poor or no communication. I find it hard to talk to others all the time but I will double check anything to make sure that my friends understood what I was saying.
In closing of this rant I want to say . Choose the friends that make you happy and that will be there for you.

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