Lucky Day?

711 51 15

Janelle aka Elle POV

As usual because of the MTA(trains)I am late to work so now I'm on the street rushing trying to past people when I get tackled.

"Don't move you groupie!

"Ow. What?!

"You can't get to Mr. Alsina on my watch.

"What? I'm trying to get to work. Get off me you roid rage fool!

He gets off me and I stand up, trying to get my bearings.

"I'm trying to get to work and you tackle me. Who the fuck does that?! Ow

"Sorry about him little mama.

I look up and August Alsina is peering down at me.

"This dude belongs to you?

"Yea as you can tell, he is my body guard but not for long. Are you okay?

"I guess. Am I bleeding?


"Well I have to go.

I walk away and hope that I'm not fired.


I hop into work but I lost my ID but my boss was late too. Therefore your girl ain't fired today! Anyway its about to be my lunch break when my phone rings

"Your lunch is here Elle.

"Okay cool.

I smile because I didn't order lunch but maybe my work husband James bought me food. I go to the Reception desk to find August Alsina and his big ass bodyguards.

"I found your ID and since my bodyguard tackled you like he the police, I want to buy you lunch."

"Umm okay. Let's get Chiptole

They follow me to the elevator and we get in.

"I like your new songs."


We go into a Chiptole and I tell them to pick a spot to sit while I go get the food.

"But I'm suppose to be paying.

"You are but we don't wanna cause a riot. So give me your money and tell me what y'all want.

"okay. Burrito bowls with water

He hands me the money and 15 minutes I come back with the food. I pass the food and drinks around then we all dig in. In between bites I ask August about his eyes and he looked surprised.

"They alright, thanks for asking."

"And how are you mentally?"

"I'm good, my new album is coming along. So what do you do?"

"I'm assistant editor and a blogger

"So that's why you wasn't starstruck cause you must meet tons of celebs at Essence.

"Not at all. I stay in the office so I don't get to socialize with celebs, just co workers.

"Okay. "

I end up giving August my number in case he ever wants to vent or chat with me, which surprised him. I doubt he is ever going to call.

August POV

I don't know what to make of Elle. She seems real but you never know. Y'all know I got trust issues. Maybe I will call her or maybe not.

A/n: What do you think of this first Chapter?

Like it or nah?

It's going to be a slow burn for these two which means no sexy time for awhile.

Intimacy With A BBW(August Alsina) discontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now