48. All Hell Breaks Loose

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The room she was in was cold and dank. Darkness so thick she could feel it, cloaked everything around her, stifling her vision. With every minute that passed, she felt like she was going to get insane, not that anyone would know. The eerie silence around her testified of how removed she was from civilization.

After Zane's mother had discovered Erinna's Recognition Mark, a non-verbal sign that she'd never kill Vlad or bring any kind of harm to him, the wolf had spread the word to her husband who had in turn agreed Erinna was definitely useless to them. It seemed the wolves had planned to kidnap her all along to use her against Dracula; her people had just made it easier for them.

Erinna didn't know if Zane or Cole was aware of their father's plans but she didn't think so. Zane seemed like an honest person to her. Zachary had probably just told him the cover story of the need of an arranged marriage so as to stop Cole from rising to power.

Alone, hungry and clueless on where to begin, Erinna tried teleporting out of the room for the thousandth time to no avail. The skill she had acquired before leaving Transylvania seemed to have deserted her in her time of need. But it was more than that; it was as if something was holding her back, weakening her and suppressing her powers.

All her telepathic messages to Vlad hit a blank wall. The dungeon she was in had no magic wards to prevent her from using her powers; rather, it was as if the magic barriers were...within her. Something inside her wouldn't break free. It made her anxious to be at the hands of her enemies with no defense whatsoever.

More worrying though, was her vision of Vlad. She was doubtful he had heeded her warning or believed her lies about marrying Zane; her mate could be stubborn if he wanted. She just hoped this was not one of those times because she just knew something terrible would happen to Vlad if he came. It was a feeling she couldn't shake off and the foreboding was making her sick.

She needed a plan, something to get her out of there so she could stop this chain of events before it started. If she could get to Transylvania, she could stop the domino effects at the root before they had begun. Nothing good would come out of it if this war happened.

She didn't know if Vlad would give up revenge if she asked him and agree to leave the wolves alone even after all they'd done to her but she had to try. Otherwise what sort of Pure Being would it make her if she who was supposed to bring peace was the root cause of all the havoc and bloodshed that was guaranteed to take place if Vlad stepped his foot in Silvercrest.

She stood up, even as her body resisted and tried to drag her down to the earth. Lethargy filled her muscles and every movement was an effort. When had she gotten so tired?

It was like her very limbs were made of concrete or some other equally immovable substance. With her loss of energy went her control of herself and her surroundings. Her mental barriers had faded and her head was a sea of voices she'd rather have avoided.

'The time is coming.'

'You could have saved yourself, but now you'll both die.'

'Justice shall be wrought.'

'An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a mate for a mate.'

'We warned you.'

'Not so high and mighty now, are we?'

'How hard the arrogant fall.'

'You tried to protect him but now you are the one who needs protection.'

'He who lived by the aword shall die by the sword before the moon of blood goes down.'

Erinna groaned, tears filled her eyes but she refused to let them fall, she wouldn't give them the satisfaction. Her head felt like it was going to split open as every dead witch looked to voice her opinion. What Erinna hadn't expected though, were some of the voices to actually support her.

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