98. High Maintainance Warlocks

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Time crawled slowly when you were waiting for something. It hadn't been long since Aridad, Alexander and Vlad had left to go find out how Erinna could extend her powers from the land of the living to the underworld, but it felt like it had been days already.

Her emotional state was a pendulum, swinging between periods of great anticipation and great fear. Her anticipation was due to the fact that she really could not wait to see Diana's invisible shackles fall away from Vlad and to have the assurance that he was hers for eternity. Her fear came from knowing that this whole thing depended on her powers doing what they were supposed to, if they didn't, everything would fall apart.

She was contemplating contacting Vlad, even though he had strictly forbidden it. She knew that he was okay since their bond mostly assured her so, but she wanted to hear it directly from him. Witches had toyed her mate too many times for her to be comfortable with him being in the company of a witch, especially one of Oracle status.

A loud knock came on the door, startling her from her thoughts. From the immense amount of power crawling all over her inert magical barriers, it had to be Horus. What on earth was he doing on their bedroom door?

Hesitantly, Erinna rose from the door and passed the mirror to ensure that she was decent. Her reflection showed composure that was at odds with the tumultuous feelings inside her. She took a step towards the door and opened it telekinetically.

"I gave an invitation to your husband only, not to every other little clan that he associates with." The god frowned at her with displeasure.

Wasn't it too late to be displeased with their presence now?

"I couldn't let him come alone, you must know that."

"I don't mean you. I mean the witch and her little hatchling there." He grumbled, extending his hand to point to his right where his throne room was.

Witch? Erinna gently pushed him aside and walked out of the room into the hallway. She opened the door to Horus' throne room and walked in. Her jaw dropped when she saw Gail and a red dragonling standing before the throne.

"Gail? What are you doing here?" She descended the steps and approached the beautiful red haired witch.

A look of relief came over the woman's face when she saw Erinna.

"I'm so glad to see that you are fine. Simon kept saying that he had to be here to help you."

Erinna's eyes turned to the red dragon whose head only came up to her waist. She knelt down to be at eye level with him even though he couldn't see her.

"Hello, Simon."

He put his scaly, baby dragon hands on her face, tracing her features and it filled Erinna's heart with maternal warmth. Unconsciously, she rubbed her belly. Very soon.

"Hi," he said shyly, his tail circling behind him. A gust of warmth left his mouth when he spoke and his skin was really hot.

"Thank you for coming to help me. Who told you that you needed to come?"

Erinna did not know exactly how Simon would assist her. Mara had said they needed a medium but she had assumed that Simon had already done his part. If the medium was convinced he was needed, then there must be something else he must help them with before the end.

"My friend."

"He's another ghost?"

Simon nodded his head.

"Please thank him for me. I don't know yet how you will help but we will know as soon as Vlad returns."

Simon's dragon eyes widened.

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