Chapter 1

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Disclaimer- I do not own Scorpion, unfortunately.  

"Hey, Walt! It's Cabe. We've got another one." Toby yelled up the stairs before walking away. Things had been getting boring, they hadn't had a mission in over a week and without the rocket to work on or Megan's project, Walter had been starting to get impatient. As soon as Walter reached the bottom step Cabe walked in and headed over to the screens, it wasn't long before the whole team had gathered.

"Oh this is bad." Toby started staring at Cabe worriedly. "Just look at his posture and clothes. This must be really serious."

"You're right, we have another terrorist plot to deal with." Cabe said grimly, "a group of terrorists who have named themselves 'Kira', have developed a software that has been hacking government computers for the last few hours. They've been downloading top secret information, planting bugs in our computers and who knows what else. We can't do anything about it," before he could say anything else Walter had walked over to a computer and started hacking in to find the problem. 

"You're right, this is bad. This program is even more advanced than the one we encountered with the supercomputer. I don't think they are using a supercomputer though, but they might as well be. Each time I try to remove it and fix the problem it slips out of my grasp. It is impossible to get from here. Had you contacted us soon we might have stood a chance but with the access it has, it sees us coming from a mile away. It's like playing cat and mouse, well except with a clairvoyant mouse." Walter said without looking up, clicking away on his keyboard.

"So can you do something about it?" 

"Maybe," Walter said. He looked up "Do you have any idea where they are? I have a thought but you are not going to like it." 

"We have a few ideas but they would see us coming so we wouldn't be able to go in  and stop them with force. We would have to narrow it down because if we need to go in, we will only have one shot. What's your idea son?" Cabe said starting to look hopeful.

"If I place a firewall around the already infected servers and the servers that are about to be infected, a firewall that I design, then we could trap it inside so it can't spread. However, this may be more risky as once it gets through the wall, which it will, it will know how to protect itself in future. We can't shut it down from the outside so I will have to place the firewall then we have approximately..." Walter said typing again so Sylvester took over

"3 hours and 21 minutes to find them and shut it down before they get through. If we can work out where they are, and if you can place the firewall, then there is only a 47.6% likely hood that we will succeed. I don't like this Walter." Sylvester said his breathing increasing.

"We have faced worse odds. Okay, plant that firewall and we can get to work." Cabe said then turned to the rest of the team and started handing out folders with information regarding the mission. 

"Okay, so considering the equipment they need to do this, it can't be these first three." Happy said gesturing to the first three. 

"No, you're right. And they are hiding from the Government, usually criminals would go for out of the way places so it can't be these either." Toby said narrowing the choices down to three. 

"Well, if they need good computers to do this then they would have spent all their money on it so they can't be in a very expensive place. More likely to be run down." Paige said trying to help. 

"That narrows it down to the warehouse." Toby said showing Cabe. 

"Okay, that's good, that's good. Now we are making progress. How are you doing Walter?" Cave asked turning back to Walter. 

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