Chapter 4

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The team rushed out of the van the moment it stopped in front of the building they hoped Walter was in. They heard Walter break for a second time and needed to get to him before it was too late. Yelling over the coms didn't help, Walter didn't seem to recognise him. It took longer than they had hoped to find the building but they were here now. All they could hope for was for Walter to be inside. The team heard gunshots as their back up rushed into the building to secure the area. Once the gunshots stopped the team ran into the building. They split up to find the basement but it didn't take long.

"HERE!" Cabe yelled when he found it. The team were there in seconds. They braced themselves for what they would see but nothing could have prepared them for it. Cabe slammed open the door and immediately shot at the man they identified as Rick. They all rushed into the room and were greeted by the sight of a beaten bloodied Walter screaming and writhing on the ground holding the picana to his own skin. The once grey room was now splattered in blood, it cover the floor, the walls, and even somehow the ceiling, a puddle of white liquid was just in front of where the chains hung from the ceiling. The team froze, but only for a moment, before springing into action. Cabe rushed over to Walter, desperate to stop him. 

"Walter! Stop!" Cabe yelled but it was no use. He tried to pull the device away but Walter faught to keep it in his hand. Happy looked around and saw where the picana was plugged in before turning the power off. The moment the power was off Walter collapsed and his screams stopped. 

"Walter? Walter! " Cabe and Toby yelled at him and Walter opened his eyes. The team breathed out a sight of relief that was short lived. Walter looked around, saw the man dead before looking back at the two men hovering over him and the team behind them.

  "Who are you?"  

Their blood ran cold. The team was frozen in shock. No. Cabe walked back a few steps to give Walter space before looking at Toby who moved to fill the space and leaned in to speak to Walter. 

"Walter," He started but hi voice wavered. He paused for a second before continuing, "My name is Toby, these are my friend. Cabe, Happy, Sylvester, and Paige. They aren't just my friends, they are your friends too. Don't you remember?" 

Walter looked confused before shaking his head. He looked to his master before looking back at Toby. 

"What did you do to my master?" Walters voice was broken, sad, lifeless, and above all else, afraid. 

"Your... master, he was a bad man. I don't think you remember, but he did some bad things and we wanted to stop him, you as well. But he caught you and did this to you. I need you to trust me. Your name is Walter, my name is Toby, and I am your friend." Toby said with finality. Walter didn't know what to think. He didn't know these people and they just killed his master, but for some reason he wanted to trust them. 

"Okay," Walter said. It seemed as if he used up his last piece of energy because a moment later he passed out. Toby checked for a pulse and sighed when he found one. 

"He's still alive. Just unconscious. We need to get him to a hospital, now." Toby said moving to the side so he could look at his friends.

                                                ----line break-----

The group sat in the waiting room watching as seconds turned into minutes, and minutes turned into hours. The whole group was anxious to hear about Walter. Paige sat twiddling her thumbs watching the clock but also watching the rest of the group seeing how they were doing and if she could help them in any way, but mostly her gaze was towards the door hoping that the doctors walking out had news about Walter. Sylvester sat putting hand sanitizer on every few minutes and verbally communicating the likely hood of Walter being okay, or whether the doctor coming into the room would have news. Toby was pacing playing with his hat and every time a doctor walked anywhere near them analysed their behaviour and told the group what it would mean for Walter, however, none of the doctors were for them. Happy sat and glared at anyone, even doctors, who came near, and Cabe was standing a little to the side of everyone practically yelling at the phone. So, it was no surprise to see that there was a radius of about 3 meters around the whole group that was completely empty; everyone had just crowded at the other end of the waiting room; people, included the doctors, gave the group a wide birth. This only changed when a slightly older doctor with brown and greying hair, a friendly smile, and a walking stick walked towards the group looking increasingly nervous and seemed to be considering why he had chosen to enter this profession. The moment he walked within the three meter radius, the whole group had their eyes on him, the moment he walked passed the two meter mark everyone had stood up and walked to the doctor, closing the distance and slightly crowding him causing him to step back.

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