31 Days

18 3 1

I do not own any picture's or songs I use.

Moka. Pronunciation. Moe-kah

I am now being wheeled out of the hospital in my new clothing. A pair of dark blue shorts, and a red and grey trimmed shirt. They got me these so I could... uh... "blend in". My black hair up in a ponytail, though since I was in the hospital my whole life, and could never get a good hair cut, it's a three foot long ponytail. My bangs are pinned back revealing my pale skin and forest green eyes.

I was slowly wheeled out of the door.

Wow... the air is so.... fresh... and sweet...

It doesn't have the smell of disinfectant, or anything I was used to.

I squinted my eyes at the light. I saw little kids playing on a playground, something I've seen twice, now three times in my life. I'm surprised I still know what it is.

I wonder what wonderful new foods await me... food other than protein pills, energy drinks, jello, some grey meat, eggs, some green unrecognizable vegetable, and cranberry juice. The only I've eaten in the past 4 years.

Well.. it's better than before in the laboratory... almost rotting vegetables, 15 pills for protein and other vitamins, and a cup of slightly pink water. Yeah.... not a very good meal....

I ignored the thoughts and smiled. I jumped up from my wheel chair so fast, everything went black. My legs wobbled, and buckled under me, but I regained my balance and danced. The nurses smiled and laughed. I waved a final good bye to them and ran off.

I may die very soon, but I don't care. I'm happy. I'm free. I can do whatever I want. I can get in trouble. I can run around the expansive fields, and forests of Gainesville. I ran. I ran, and ran. I did twirled, swirls, and skips. All the way to the city hall office. I ran up the stairs, a huge grin on my face.

I calmed down, but still sporting a huge grin, walked into the large building. I heard a gruff voice behind me, and turned around, my black hair flowing behind me as I skipped forward. A man whom I recognised from the picture either was showed earlier stood tall and stoic. This was my temporary care taker.

"I'm so happy you have finally gotten out of the hospital. Even if it's for a very short amount of time. A month...", he said getting a bit sadder at the end.

I ran up and hugged him. "I don't care... I can do what I want, when I want, with who I want... I couldn't be more happy!" I said sobbing with a closed eye smile, tears spilling over my cheeks. I didn't care that he pushed me back, or that we were ate a thing attention.

"There is a festival tonight. I already have an apartment set up for you, and some clothing. And some money too. You get to experience your first festival tonight, while you have the time.", said the man, who I found out in the hospital was named Nathan.

He was basically my foster care for awhile.

"Thank you! So much, I can't even express how happy I am!" I ran. I ran to the address I had gotten a few days before. People gave me odd looks as I ran threw the streets, only stopping for cross walks.

I arrived out of breath, and keeled over to set my hands on my knees.

When I entered in the code for the lock I was given, the door beeped, and I could open it. The fridge was contained some food, I had extra clothing, and also all the bathroom items I need. I looked to my bed, and did what I had always wanted to do. Something I always saw in the books I always read.

I jumped on the bed, the fell down onto it.

I felt like a princess.
It may not be much, but compared to my earlier life, this us a royal paradise.

That night, as I heard the door open, and saw Nathan enter, I jumped up from the couch I was sitting on.

Nathan had left me be at the time, he obviously wasn't a big talker.

I put on some new clothing, and headed to the festival. I wore a sun dress, so I was cool during the hot summer night.

That was one of the best nights of my life. I had real food, real fun, and I even got to talk to people!

A boy with blond hair sat by the fountain. Excited to see someone my age, I ran up.

I slung my hand out. "Hi! I'm new here, my name is Moka! Glad to make your acquaintance!" I said in an over excited manner.

He gave me an odd look, and reached out to shake my hand. "Uh, yeah. My name's Max... so you just moved here I'm assuming?"

I shook my head no. "Nope! I'm new here, but I've been in this area my whole life!"

He gave me a very confused look, but didn't ask on further.
"You're very peculiar. But I guess that doesn't matter. I myself am a bit odd."

We continued through the festival talking. An odd meeting, a girl just running up to you. But we had fun. We played games, ate food, and just had fun.

I had made a friend.

The very first person I want at my side when death arrives....

31 Days. By: Caity the Devil Where stories live. Discover now