Ch.10-Secret revealed

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I managed to reach the school before the bell could ring, as I made it to school I walked towards my classroom shoving my hands in my pocket. 'That's weird, this doesn't feel like my jacket pockets more like Mikes?!' I looked at my pockets shocked to see I was still wearing Mike's jacket, even though I don't remember putting it on? When I was shuffling around I felt upon a small piece of paper 'What's this' I thought. Me being the nosy person I am I unfolded the letter.

My face burned with a solid pink color surfacing my cheeks. It was a love letter, to me?

"Dear Gwen,
You probably think I'm joking around about this letter, but I'm dead serious when I say this.
Ever since I got to know you through out our childhood, I slowly bonded with you and felt this ever grazing love that I cannot explain. Me hopefully one day getting together with you more than a friend has crossed my mind a lot, even after thinking about it. I discovered it wasn't lust that was talking, but the forever flame of love I have in my heart for you. I hope you would understand and feel the same. If you do feel the same, please come to our hangout with the letter. If you don't feel the same...

... then please don't bother showing up.

I'll understand."

My eyes slightly watering with joy as my heart fluttered uncontrollably. I couldn't believe that the one I'm destined to love is the guy I've known practically my whole life. With my heart beating like a wild drum I couldn't hold in my excitement and actually squealed like a school cheerleader. I leaned against the close's locker hugging it with godlike strength pretending it was Mike I was hugging. I continued doing so until I remembered about class.

'I'll just get to class now and think about how to respond in class.'

Time flies quickly in class leaving me still thinking about what to do. 'I could simply do as the letter says! Or maybe just go to his house hugging him or even... kissing him!' My face turned into a strawberry again thinking about it. I kept thinking about how to handle this until the end of the day.

The day finally ended with me flabbergasted about this situation. I just kept to myself and decided to sleep it off hopefully handling tomorrow.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2017 ⏰

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