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They were desperately trying to fix me, I could see it through my dream window. The dream resembled the one I had when I was dying after attempting suicide all those years ago. It was a simple white room, with a floor that seemed impossibly smooth and a ceiling that seemed impossibly high. There was a cushy white armchair and a simple white bed, similar to a hospital bed. On one wall, there was a gigantic window. Upon looking out of it, I could see them frantically trying to save me.

The large industrial looking door clicked open and I'm walked the girl, the same one I had seen twenty years ago.

"Hello again Rene," she said.

"I never got your name, or do you just want to be called death?" I looked the woman in her black eyes as she chuckled. She still looked to be only seventeen, maybe eighteen.

"When I was alive, they called me Cam. (Dat reference game tho)," She chuckled a little.

"You were alive once?" I asked shocked. "Huh. Sorry, I never really considered that you hadn't been death forever."

"Time doesn't exist when you're dead. As a dead person, you can interact with the past, present, and future. Time has already paid us a visit, and has left us alone. Normal rules don't apply to us anymore. So yes, I have been Death for all eternity, but I won't die for another, what- three or four years? At least in your timeline."

"So, am I dead?" I asked looking at my unscarred arms.

"No, I just fancied a chat. Anyways, you're not waking up for another two weeks, so I might was well get to know you. It's not like there's anything els to do in this room."

"There's a bed," I pointed out.

"Yeah, I wouldn't sleep in that unless you really want to die. That bed with literally stop your heart and take you straight if to the soul camp if you lay in it."

"S-soul camp?" I asked, confused about the term that Cam casually threw around. "You have like a labor camp for souls,"

She raised her pale hands in defense. "Hey, that wwasn't my idea, and I have nothing to do with it. I'm just the escort and friendly neighbor soul reaper. I'm not the boss around here. And it's not really a labor camp, seeing as you can't tire as a spirit. The labor camps are for spirits who cause trouble. Once you get past Judgement, you can live a completely normal life. The labor camps are for those who disturb the place. Ever heard of hell?" I nodded. I had heard some muggleborns talking about it. "It's like that, only you're producing the elixir of life. If you produce enough elixir of life, you get to be reborn and get a second chance."

"The scarring. It won't ever go away, will it? I'll have a reminder of my past forever," I looked towards Cam, who turned away from me, almost as if she was hiding something.

"You always forget don't you?" She chuckled a little and raised her head.

"Forget what?"

"Rene, you're a metamorphagis. Remember when you were eleven? How did you conceal your scars then?"

"Oh yeah... I do tend to not think back to my childhood, you know."

"It's time for me to go. You're waking up soon. Goodbye Rene," Her voice quivered slightly. She turned towards the door. "It never gets easier," I heard her mutter. The door shut and disappeared behind her, but the drop of salty water on the floor remained. I looked out the window again. Sirius was sitting next to me, holding my hand as I slept. Time had clearly passed, Sirius had grown stubble, the bags under his eyes were much more prominent. His eyes were red from crying and his breaths were staggered.

"Molly, she hasn't shown any sign of waking up on two weeks. What do we do?" His voice was muffled by the glass.

"Well, we'll just wait and see.." All of a sudden their voices muffled into silence and the white room burst open into blinding white light. I closed my eyes from it, and felt my self settling back into my body. Sirius was holding my hand now, and I felt it. I laced my fingers around his and opened my eyes.

"Sirius Black, you look terrible," I said. He looked up in shock, and then smiled gently.

"You look worse," he replied gruffly. I smirked and all of my scars were gone along with the bruises. My skin was the same milky white it was before I was captured.

"I beg to differ," I smiled wider. His eyes widened.

"How did you do that?" He asked, running his fingers through my silky smooth hair.

"Well, I was recently reminded that I am a metamorphagis," I replied casually. He smiledand grabbed my other hand.

"Rene, we can't go out in a date, but I would love to take out out on a date sometime," Sirius smiled.

"I would love to."

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