3 Introduction 3

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"Welcome to AshClan, (Y/N)Kit!" Your mother congratulates you as you open your eyes for the first time. As she sets her head down on her paws and falls into slumber, a pair of rather stocky kits approach you.
"Oh look! It's a piece of prey!" The first kit sneers at you, the other purrs in amusement.

Do You...
1. Defend Yourself
"Hey that's not nice!" You countered, you might have used a curse word but none had been taught to you.

2. Fight Back
"You shouldn't talk about yourself like that!" You counter, but blinks innocently as if you never insulted them back in the first place.

3. Play Along
"Oh sorry.." You hang you head, looking at the ground, "Did I do something wrong?"

4. Wild
At this, you get up rather shakily and lung at the kit who insulted you, claws extended.

- I chose 2 - CatPerson

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