My jamssss

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Ok, so I actually just wanted you to know my favorite songs for right now, and I'll keep updating this. I'm basically a pop freak, cause I honestly don't like anything else.

•Electric Love
•Castle on a hill
•Shape of you
•Bad things

That's it for February 17, 2017


•Make Me (Cry)
•I Don't Want to Live Forever
•Chained to the Rhythm

That's of March 5, 2017

Again again


That's it of March 13, 2017

Whoop whoop
•Mask Off

That's it for March 25, 2017

Oh god it's been some time

•American girls
•Ready, Aim, Fire
•Do Ri Me
•Green Light
•Carry on My Wayward Son

That's it for June 1, 2017

Wow I need to do this

•Hold me down
•Angel with a shotgun
•Smoke on the water
•Tunnel Vision
•Candy Paint
•You Give Love a Bad Name

K that's all I can think of
July 30, 2017

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