Messiah 17

117 6 4

He didn't know why. He wasn't very clear of what was happening, in exact.

But by the time he became remotely conscious of what he had been doing, Katachi had already leapt off in a flurry of rage, towards the tight-dress woman. His feet pushed against the cold, uneven stone, and his hand curled and clenched into a fist, flying towards her.

But the woman, nimble as she was, quickly reacted to his charge, and released a knot holding together the bottom sides of her long tight dress with her left hand. She then proceeded to bend herself around his punch, and using her left arm to intercept Katachi's hook and lock his right arm, she thrust her palm into Katachi's chest with a solid clap.

It was horrifying. Katachi experienced that fear once more, the true insignificance of his being wavering and quivering. He felt like a glass doll for that one moment, his entire body convulsing from the shockwave of the impact. It had been a solid hit to the center of his chest, but it felt like there was something... More, to that attack alone. It hurt way more than it seemed to have, with how the lady's arm was already outstretched fully when she struck his chest.

K : "Ukkkckkk, aah-..."

He fell backwards, and slid on his back. Katachi felt his entire body numbing. Getting up was hard, and painful. It ached and he felt his senses dulling, and he was afraid. Horrified. Katachi couldn't make out what to do at this point. He tried to breathe, but his lungs felt as though they had been paralyzed with the strike. They wouldn't take in any air, and he felt like straining his damaged diaphragm would be really bad.

His opponent is a powerful fighter whom delivered such a strong blow with graceful, unwasted movement. It was frightening how she managed to hurt him like this, when clad in that tight-fit dress. The Chinese frog that was near the bottom of her skirt was probably there in order to hold the dress together, to give a refined and modest appearance that had masked such strength, grace and ferocity perfectly.

K : "Kkk- acchkkk- *gulping air* HEERRRRHH Haa HEERRH Haa Heeerh... *muffled* Ooumph!"

He forced himself to breathe, and as the foul, miasmic air filled his lungs, he felt sick. He felt nauseous, and dizzy, and confused and disoriented, and his whole body went numb. He felt the juices in his stomach rumble and gather near the back of his throat. He was weak; Very, very weak. Katachi knew that, and even so, he struggled to get up. He forced his body to get up, because despite being weak, he had the Words of Power with him.

The event magic that could bring to reality anything it could represent. The magic, with its power increasing exponentially with its user's intelligence and knowledge, to defeat opponents that would normally be impossible to defeat for someone his stature. It was magic that could bend people to their knees, against their will. It was magic that could make absolutes possible.

He pumped strength into his legs. Though he had been physically weak, with the Words of Power, he could make a change. It was a magic that was essentially a wonder tool - If one knew how to use it, it would serve its purpose dutifully. He could make it so that none of this pain and misery would occur ever again. So that Roberia would not suffer the fate of the other women here. So that everyone here would escape from this cesspool of corruption and depravity, which was so similar to what he had faced in Mielfeud.

So that none may need to suffer for another, ever again.

(?! 那小家伙还站着?...)

He shifted his body mass about, and started heading towards the lady in a staggering, unguarded fashion. His feet, dragging and pushing against the caltrops on the floor, his right arm, clenched into a fist, and his injured left arm loose and dangling by the makeshift cast that stopped it from moving... It was clearly not a stance that someone fighting should use, for this was a stance that showed desperation and willpower.

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