Messiah 20

140 7 10

Ci : "... Bael? I brought your stuff."

Cillian is the younger brother of Aedan de Vorsche, the successor of the de Vorsche family known for his righteousness and masterful usage of his sword. Of course, Cillian didn't shine as bright as his brother did, but he is still a formidable opponent, regardless.

B : "Good. Leave it on the table please, Cillian."

Towards the fireplace of the cream-colored, messy room was a student with blond hair tied into four braids. She was busy tending to something inside a cauldron and did not even turn her head to greet Cillian.

Ci : "... Still, it's rare for you to use Vinrael, though. Quality herbs like these are expensive, I've heard."

He placed the paper bag on the table, and walked towards the blond girl stirring a concoction of sorts.

Ci : (... My god, what a foul stench!...) "What the hell are you making?"

With a gaze most frightening, she turned her head with a sninster smirk and glared at Cillian sharply.

B : "Would you like to try it? It's not ready yet, but I could put you on the top of the list if you-"

Ci : "I refuse. Thank you for the offer anyway. If there's nothing else, I'll leave now."

He didn't want to stay too long inside a house that smelt so foul. Cillian walked out of the small hut quickly, and shut the door behind him.

Dj : "Heh. She sure smells, doesn't she?"

Ci : "Why don't you walk inside, and familiarize yourself with that odor instead of throwing your bloody sarcasm at my face, Djinnje?"

L : "Well, frankly speaking, you said nothing of us going in, Cillian. You simply wanted extra hands to transport all of these ingredients here."

Ci : "I know, and I am grateful for the assistance. Only the gods know how many trips I would have to make if you guys didn't help me."

Ce : "Loar, we should go! They're going to run out of the good rye if we wait any longer!"

L : "!! Let's go, then!"

Cestia squeezed on the hand of her green-haired partner, and they ran off as fast as their legs could carry them.

*** ***

R : "Look, Katachi! It's an apple tree!"

Roberia set down the sack and equipment she brought with her, and climbed the unusually large apple tree to harvest an apple. Her teeth sank and crunched into the crisp flesh of the yellow fruit, and a smile of bliss shadowed her face.

R : "Here, try one!"

With that, she plucked a second apple, and dropped it on Katachi below who has yet to even put his bag down. Roberia simply sat down on the branch she stood on and started enjoying her meal, without another care in the world.

R : (! This is so sweet! The shape definitely looks like an apple, and it's the first time I've seen a yellow one, but this is really good! It's not quite as sweet as a red apple, and it's not sour like a green one. This is easier to bite and has a mild, sweet taste. I wish they grew apples like these in Rugnud. Anik sure has a lot of fancy stuff.)

K : "Roberia?"

R : "? Coming!"

With a leap, her feet plummeted onto the solid ground, followed by a roll to cushion and spread the impact throughout her body.

K : "This isn't ours, we really shouldn't eat-..."

Katachi was about to continue his sentence until he realized that Roberia had taken a big chunk out of hers. He heaved a sigh over the futility of his advice, and averted his eyes to a side.

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