Car Crash part 14

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Niall POV
After y/n fell asleep I just watched her. She's looks so peaceful. She has the tiniest of smiles as she sleeps. I watch her for a few minutes before I decide to take her up to bed. I pick her up in my arms being careful not to knock either of her casts. I make my way to the elevator and we go upstairs. When I get to her room I lay her in her bed. I kiss her forehead. And whisper
Niall: Goodnight princess. Sleep well.
As I walk out of the room I hear her mumble something incoherently. It's so cute. She has somniloquy like me. I'd noticed a few times at the hospital but she was so drugged up that it didn't happen super often. I went back to my room and decided to come up with a plan for our first date. But I want to keep it a secret from her as I want it to be a surprise. I decided to do a little research to figure out what she might like to do. I go onto her twitter and see if she's mentioned anything about places she's wanted to go in London. I see a few places mentioned. Then I notice there is a link on her profile to a Wattpad account. Maybe she talks more about it there. I click the link and it brings me to her preferences. I laugh as I notice they're all One Direction preferences. I decide to read a couple. There's one that is about a date we went on. And it's based in London. Perfect! I can do what's on there with an exception of a few things. So I come up with another place to go to accommodate for her not being able to walk. After writing my list I decide to go to bed. I'll call everywhere tomorrow and make arrangements. I sneak back into her room and plug her phone back into the charger. I wake her up to give her her pain meds. She falls asleep really quickly so I go back to my room to sleep. I climb into my bed and cuddle up to my stuffed giraffe. I've never told anyone that I have it. Only the boys know. I've had him since I was a little boy. I soon start to fall asleep as I think about the wonderful date we'll be going on.
*Next Day*
Niall's POV
I wake up and get ready for the day. I asked Louis if he could help y/n for a while. That way I can get all the arrangements done. I go in and check on her. She's still asleep so I leave. I go back to my room and pick up my phone and call the first place on my list. I tell them I'd like to make arrangements for Friday. I give them my name but ask them to please be discrete about my visit. That I'm brining my girlfriend who's in a wheelchair and I don't want to have a ton of people overwhelming her. They say they'll make sure it's all on the down low. They put my name in their book as my alias Neilo Jacks. I thank them and call the next place repeating everything from before. After all the arrangements are made I call our body guards and ask them if they can help on Friday. They say that they will of course be there to help and protect us. I finish all my calls and then I go to eat breakfast. I finish eating then go upstairs to find y/n. She's in Dylan's room. I stand out in the hall and watch her a little bit. She's so careful and loving with him. It's so beautiful! I love watching the way she nurtures him like he's a real baby. Someday she'll be a wonderful mum. I watch for a few more minutes. She's a bit slow with everything she does because of her arm cast but she is so patient. I walk in and I put my hand on her shoulder.
Niall: good morning love. How are you feeling today?
Y/n: I feel better today. Not as frustrated and the pain doesn't seem to be too bad. How are you doing? I missed you at breakfast.
Niall: I'm doing great. I had to sort a few things out before breakfast. What did you eat?
Y/n: Harry made a really great omelet. And Louis kind of made toast. He burned it a bit.
She giggles!
Niall: haha yea that's Louis specialty. What would you like to do today?
Y/n: Humm.... Could we make cookies and cuddle while watching something?
Niall: of course! That sounds like a nice relaxing day.
Y/n finishes getting Dylan ready then we go down to the kitchen. Y/n sets Dylan in his mamaroo so he can get a nap while we bake.

We start baking and the rest of the boys come down to help us

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We start baking and the rest of the boys come down to help us. Which ends in a bit of a food fight. We're all covered in flour by the end of it. But we're all laughing about it. I call Gemma and ask her if she can help y/n get a bath. She says she'll be right over.
*hour later*
We're all showered and changed into our PJs for a lazy day in. We eat some cookies then we start the movie.
After a bit I notice the pain is getting to y/n again so I give her the pain meds. She falls asleep not long after. The day continues like this. Till finally it's bed time. I tuck her into bed then I put Dylan to bed and lastly I go to bed. I can't wait for our date!!!

Sorry I haven't written in awhile. Things have been so stressful with my family, school and work. I'll try to update the other story soon! And this one! Have a good day!

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