A school fight

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*Bang bang bang* I'm sitting in class taking notes as I occasionally look over and to talk to my best friend next to me. *Bang bang bang* The door to class room opens and I look behind me to see an officer enter the room.* Bang bang* He calls me out of the class room. *Bang bang* He tells me there was an accident involving my parents.* Bang* I breath heavily as I lean against the punching bag as I creaks to a halt. I push off the bag and head over to the small bench next to the front desk of the small gym that I have been training at since my freshman year in high school. I undo my hand wraps,not bothering re-rolling them back up, and toss them into my gym bag;as I grab my sweats to pull over my shorts. Grabbing my phone from my pocket as I notice I have a few missed calls and that I have to hurry and get home to change or else i;m gonna be late for my morning classes. I wipe down the mats real quick,lock up and hop on my bike heading home for shower.

I twirl my pencil in between my fingers as listen to my art professor lecture us about the history of the Italian Renaissance. As I write down some random facts I see a paper being pushed towards me,out of the corner of my eye. I turn my head over and see the girl who sits next to me look away quickly. I smirk to myself as I unfold the piece of paper and see written in side,"Meet me at the rose garden near the north side residence area." I smirk to my self as I see the girl's cheek start turning a bright pink as I turn back to listen to the professor's boring lecture. Not long after,the bell ring and the girl next to me gather her stuff quickly and damn near sprints out of the class. The girl was fairly cute she had nice long brown hair green eyes and and really nice body. I walk to the rose garden near the history hall and see the girl sitting at one of the many benches in the area. She was fiddling with her hands in her lap and looking down in her lap. I come up and tap her on the shoulder and she jumps a little,"Sorry didn't mean to startle you." I say as I smile at her.

"O-oh no its fine. I just didn't see you...My name is Emilia by the way."

"A pleasure to meet you Emilia. I'm Jason..So was that the only reason you called me here or..?"

I see Emilia's cheek burn a bright pink,"O-oh I just wanted to know if you would like to---"

Before she can finish Some one calls out,"Hay sexy what why you with orphan boy." My fists clench as I hear Lex's nickname for me. Lex Is a pretty boy who got into college for free with his dad's money and thinks he rules the campus. As he draws closer I smell the stench of alcohol coming off of him. He came to school,drunk,again. The girl turns to me in shock and backs away as her eyes look like they are about to pop out of their socket,"So you're the boy who killed a man in cold blood...you're the orphan who every one talks about." She says as she starts to look disgusted at me. I feel my blood start to boil as I begin to walk away from the gardens away from Lex's annoying taunts and the girl's disgusted glare. As I'm about to cross under the arch that leaves the garden,one of Lex's friend come out from behind the pillar. It was Fabian varsity boxer for the college. He starts stepping towards me with a smirk on his face,"So orphan you actually gonna fight me this time?" He asks in a mocking tone. I look at the hedges blocking both sides of the path and I'm pretty sure Lex isn't that far behind at the moment. Fuck I hate fighting out side a ring. Fabian put up his guard and I remember that I have one advantage, he doesn't know my style of fighting,nor that I fight. I take up my traditional Muay thai stance with both hands at the temple,palms facing out,shoulders squared,but left leg slightly in front of my right, as I stay on the balls of my feet. He laughs at me,"What the hell is that? I guess you really want you ass whooped." I stay silent as he advance towards me. When he gets in range he throws a jab at me,but parry his hand away and deliver a kick to his quad,quickly pivoting away once I was back in my stance. He staggers a bit before turning towards me and rushing at me in a furry of punches. I cover my head in a turtle shell and slip and roll to the best of my ability waiting for an opening. I see the opening after blocking and taking a few punches so i throw a left upper cut followed by a right cross to the sternum,then a left hook to the liver and pivot around him. I take up my original stance as he turns around and starts walking towards me...He should be down I hit his liver pretty hard.He takes two steps before his face flushes and he falls to one knee before completely laying on the ground.There we go. "Mr.Zorzetti!" I cringe as I hear the deep voice call out my name and think to my self,"I'm so screwed." I turn around and see my counselor looking at me,"In my office now young man.",He tells me and I shove my hands in my pockets and slowly walk past him to his office.

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