1. Kindergarten teacher

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Hello! My new story y'all! I'm going to focus more on this than the other one bc I feel like this one is more planned. So enjoy! Hope you like the first chapter :)

"Hii baby! How you doing today?" I said as Katie jumped into my arms when I entered the kindergarten, I'm only on practice here. I want to be a kindergarten teacher cause I LOVE children they are so cute, I can't even handle life, people say they are annoying but I love playing with them and they put a smile on my face everyday.

I'm Brooklyn Alexa Rossi, yeah i know my last name are weird but its just because I'm half Italian. Anyways, I'm 17, I'm short, I'm kinda lame but in a funny way. I'm living with only my mom because my dad is in a coma.. We live in a big house  we are kinda rich but some of the money goes to charity. I'm the only kid, I love animals and to travel around the world. I'm sassy. Just kidding.

"I'm good!" Katie's little baby voice rang through my ears. I smiled down at her and grabbed her hand, we walked into the play corner where all the kids were sitting around in a circle waiting for us to sit down so we could begin to sing some songs. I sat down on the floor like the rest of the kids were, with Katie sitting in my lap. "Twinkle, twinkle little star.." They begun singing. I joined and all the kids were hanging on each other, doing some moves playing with their fingers. They are so cute! "Well.. That was it now go play kids!" Jane, one of the kindergarten teacher said. Some went to the small toy cars, the girls went to the kitchen and the barbie section while Katie walked around with me. Every since I started practice here I've come close to Katie, I can tell her everything, that's kinda funny though, cause she little and doesn't understand so she doesn't goes around talking shit about me and these things I've said to her. But she is really a sweetheart, she comforts me when I'm sad and makes me happy in just a second.

"Brooke, can you come here?" Jane asked "Yeah sure." I looked down at Katie and told her to wait for me in the barbie section, she nodded in response and ran away as I saw her sit on a couch making her self comfortable while waiting for me. I walked over to the counter Jane were standing beside "Yeah?" I said happily "We're going to get a new disciple so I want you to show him around and make himself comfortable and knowing where everything is but-" She cut her self off "He has some issues so please be gentle with him.." I gave her a confused look but shrugged it off quickly I nodded happily, I was actually excited over this! it was a step closer to get this job. I'm not a shy person so it will be easy.

"When is he coming?" I asked "Tomorrow, around 9am so be here 8.30." She smiled, I nodded and walked back to the kids playroom. I walked over to some kids making them stop fighting about a toy then I made my way over to Katie looking at some pictures. "What are you up to baby?" I said in a sweet voice "I am looking though photos on animals." I love how she can't say the letter 'R' its so cute. "Oh! How cool!" Sometimes you just have to pretend to be interested, that's kinda what the job is based on, but I'm not pretending. Okay, sometimes. "Let's go playing with the other girls?" I asked Katie, she shook her head and closed the book about animals. "Why?" I asked "Cause they not funny." She pouted "You ale funny!" She jumped on me and hugged me. I giggle and pat my back meaning she would ride me. Don't take it perverse please, she's a kid.

She wrapped her legs around my waist and her arms hugging my neck, thank lord she doesn't weigh much so she don't choke me with her arms. I pretended that I was an air plane and she made sounds of an air plane with her mouth. 

After an hour of playing the kids meal time was coming, everyone sat around the table as me and another kindergarten teacher, Melanie, put their bibi's on. They got yogurt and some bread to eat. Everyone smeared their yogurt on their faces, they all looked like snowman's. Jane came up to me and gave me a few napkins to clean their faces. I did so and then threw them in the garbage.  "Brooke" I snap my head back seeing Jane standing there, by the way, my nick name is Brooke in case you did not know. "Yeah." I smiled "You can go home if you want, I see you're really tired. I know its hard for a 17 years old girl having to deal with annoying kids" She patted my back "Oh, no, no, no!" I waved my hands dismissal "I love being here, and I'm fine. I'll take a nap when I get home." "No. You don't have to. You've worked your bass of the whole week and deserves some rest for tomorrow and so." When I thought about not, she was right. I was tired and I needed some rest. I nodded and gave her a hug "Thanks" "No need to thank for."

"Bye Kitty, see you tomorrow." I said as I pecked her cheek "Where you going?" Her little voice was heard "Brooke is going home, but I'm coming back tomorrow so I'll see you then." I said, she nodded and gave me a smile as she continued smearing all the yogurt in her face. I giggled and walked to the staff room to get my jacket, shoes and purse.

There is 2 of him, and 1 of me. (Justin bieber fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now