The Boats

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"Woah." I muttered as I saw the carriages. Ron knocked into me on his hurry to get a good seat on one before we heard a large man in a brown, very hairy coat, call out,
     "Firs' years! Firs' years over here! Follow me to the boats!" I grabbed Ron by the arm and steered him towards the man. We all hiked down a trail to the side of a large body of water. A...lake? It was so big! The man pointed to a fleet of boats by the water.
     "Surely we aren't going to go in those." A blonde haired boy behind me said, his pale face looking sickly in the glow of the torches.
"Yer gonna do what I say youngin 'cuz I am in charge here." The man said. Everyone sniggered. I pointed to the black surface of the lake and leaned over to the kid.
"What? Scared you're gonna get you panties wet crossing this? And not 'cuz you fall in!" I said, laughing to myself. I didn't like this guy already.
"Alright everyone, my name is Hagrid, and I am gonna be leadin' yer across the lake. Everyone get in a boat." The man said, climbing into one. Once everyone got in a boat, Hagrid tapped the prow of his own with a flowery pink umbrella and they all started moving. Everyone gasped in surprise and joy. We made it to a cave and we all climbed out of our boats.
"That was awesome!" I shouted to Harry and Ron. Harry nodded back at me, to excited to speak, and Ron just stared around us.
"Hey you there! Is that your road?" Hagrid asked, pointing at a small, round faced boy with blonde hair.
"Trevor!" The boy exclaimed, stooping to pick him up. After he safely secured his road, we all trooped to a large door. Hagrid opened the door and we all went inside.
"Woah." Ron whispered. And I agreed.

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