First Full Day

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     I woke up and bounced out of bed. It was my first day! I was so excited to begin my Hogwarts "career". I quickly dressed into my school robes and headed into the common room to meet up with Harry and Ron.

     "Olivia!" I heard someone shout. "Over here!" I turned to see Ron waving at me from the corner of the common room, and Harry elbowing him in the ribs.

     "You waited for me!" I exclaimed as I reached them, happy at the prospect that these were my new mates.

     "Of course we did! Why wouldn't we?" Ron asked, utterly nonplussed. I shrugged and Harry started walking toward the portrait hole.

     "Ready for breakfast?" he asked, sensing my discomfort and trying to lighten the mood. I nodded, plastering a fake grin on my face, as I walked out of the portrait hole with my new mates.


     "That smells so good!" muttered Ron, as always the hungry one. I rolled my eyes at his disgusting behavior, then sat on one of the benches at the Gryffindor table. I looked at my empty plates, then all of the food on the table, and lost my appetite.

     "What's wrong Olivia?" Harry asked, noting the fact that there was nothing on my plate. I shook my head, grabbed a big spoonful of scrambled eggs and ham, and put it on my plate. I dug in, over enthusiastic to eat the eggs. Ron nodded, obviously proud of me, and Harry looked at me concerned. I shot him a look that said, 'We'll talk later.' and he seemed to understand.

      "We should get to class." I said, swallowing my mouthful of ham and eggs. I jumped up and grabbed my bag. I started walking out at a brisk pace, and soon my new mates caught up to me. We got to the door of our first class, charms, and sat down. Ron was partnered with the girl from the train, Harry was partnered with a boy I didn't know, and I was partnered with a boy named Draco Malfoy. (We are going to pretend that Gryffindors have charms with Slytherin) I quickly mastered the art of levitation charms, but the girl from the train beat me. Apparently her name was Hermione Granger, and boy was she a know-it-all. Ron quickly became extremely irritated with her, as she was trying to teach him proper pronunciation.

     "It's Levi-O-sa, not Levios-A." Ron scowled at her, and just as he did, Harry's partner caused his feather to burst into flame.

     "We need another feather over here, Professor." Harry said. Draco Malfoy looked at Harry with an expression filled with hate.

     "What's your problem?" I asked the seething wizard next to me. He glanced at me with a surprised look, perplexed that I would so boldly speak to him.

     "It's nothing." he muttered, no longer looking at me. I frowned, a little upset that he would ignore me. I studied him for a moment, observing his white-blond hair and beautiful pale skin. My eyes drifted to his lips and I shook myself mentally. I will not get into a relationship with someone in my first year at Hogwarts. 'Plus,' I thought uncertainly, "I am a Gryffindor, and he is a Slytherin. It would never work out. He isn't even cute.' I sighed inwardly and looked up as the bell rang for the next class.


     "So, you have the hots for Malfoy?" Lavender Brown asked me at lunch. I shook my head, unsure of what to do.

     "What?!" Ron asked through a mouth full of food. Harry looked at me skeptically.

     "He isn't a nice person Olivia." Harry informed me politely. I could feel my face getting red with anger.

     "Why do you care?" I asked, trying my best to stay calm.

     "I am your friend and I am looking out for you." He told me, seeming concerned. I nodded, calming down a bit. I could feel my face returning to normal. I nodded.

"Thanks Harry," I said with a smile, "But I can take care of myself." I tromped off to my next class, not wanting to talk to anyone.

"Why were you looking at me during Charms, muggle." Draco Malfoy asked, and I jumped.

"You startled me!" I squeaked out, utterly mortified. Honestly, I make the most embarrassing noises sometimes.

"You never answered my question. And I thought you were smart. Can't even answer a question!" He pushed me against the corridor wall roughly.

"Hey!" I stepped away from the wall.

"Get out of my way, filthy mudblood." Malfoy muttered, pushing me in his haste to get away. I hugged, and went to tell Harry and Ron about my newest adventure.

Sorry it's so short guys! I wrote some of this at night, so it might not be very good, so don't judge! (Extremely harshly. I value all feedback!) Anyway, allonsy!

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2017 ⏰

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