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They had made it back to the bridge, narrowly escaping the swarm. They ran the entire way so, of course, Missy was in unspeakable pain. They could barely see through the rain, it grew dark within seconds. They had no way of knowing what time it was and hadn't a clue which direction they were going. They were left without their leaders and were back to travelling alone again. They came across the car with most of its parts missing and decided to stay there until sunrise, it still had a roof after all.
"Okay so right now we've got two options," Nate coughed a bit as they settled inside the dead car, "Go back from where we came," He pointed to the road on their left, "Or, we go that way," He pointed to the hilled road on their right.
"Where does that road lead?" Missy asked him, rubbing her hands together, desperately trying to keep warm.
"East, to the big city," Nate leaned against whatever was left of the car's metal frame and closed his eyes, suddenly sensing a load of fatigue wash over him.
"We haven't been there in a while," Missy smirked a little to herself, remembering a time not so long beforehand when she'd be hoping to go shopping with her sister, Lana. She smiled, remembering their last visit, they had left Nate and Oliver moaning in a café, they were not at all interested in trekking through mountains of clothes for five hours, "..I miss them.." She let out a mumble.
"Me too," Nate opened his eyes again, knowing.
They took a moment, feeling thankful that they had managed to keep themselves alive, and went to sleep.

Missy was first to wake up the wake the next day, hearing a hungry one snarl in the nearby distance. She shook her brother's shoulder to quickly wake him up. She was just about to jump out of the car when a spear was thrusted at her, it didn't hit her but it was enough to take her off guard completely. The attacker said nothing. They couldn't even tell if they were male or female, they were wrapped in scarves, green and cream scarves, they were dirtied with dust and mud. The scarves ended just above their nose, but their eyes were covered with a pair of large goggles.
"This is our car," They spoke in a low growl, "Get out,"
"We don't want any trouble," Nate ushered his sister out of the car, they were about to move away entirely but the spear was jutted towards them again.
"No," They said, sounding hoarse, like they were completely faking this voice, "You're not going anywhere,"
They grabbed them by the arms and then pushed them ahead of themselves, using the spear to keep them at a distance. They had to walk up a steep hill and then down the slope on the other side.
"Stop. This way," He pointed to an old stone shack with a dilapidated door. The siblings quickly exchanged glances before they pushed them forward, and they reached past Missy's shoulder to push the door open. The inside was so dark and smelt of old leather. The sunlight lit on a steel circular trap door in the ground. The person reached forward again and knocked four times on the door, then paused and knocked twice again. About two seconds later it opened up, revealing another person dressed similarly. But their head and face weren't covered. They could tell this one was female. She had light brown hair that had been braided and twirled so that it could remain pinned to her head.
"Hey, did you find anythin-" She stopped herself, seeing the new captives, "Missy? ...Nate?" She turned to each of them.
Missy's eyes were widder than any plate could ever be. Nate couldn't even speak he was in such shock.

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