Chapter 1: Where Is She?

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It was the new year of 2012 and the Kings family had just come in from watching a bunch of fireworks that the neighborhood set up. They had just came in and were eating dinner.
When everyone was quiet and eating silently, there was a big blast and the ground shook and everyone wondered what it was. Annabeth was really scared since she was only 3 at that time and started crying. Her older sister Alaina was only 6 and she was scared just like Annabeth but she wasn't crying. Ella was the oldest sister. Ella was 10 at the time, she was not that scared and me and Alaina but she was still scared because when you hear a big blast and the ground shakes you start to think what it is and what is going to happen, you get scared.

They all went towards the windows and looked outside and they saw nothing. Her mom was thinking, maybe they put something on the news. The Kings family turned on the news. They found a channel saying something about the blast.
The news reporter on the channel was saying something about the attack. The dad turned up the volume. The news reporter said "just now some soldiers have started attacking California in the USA.She was also saying that they have no idea who it is and are trying to figure it out.

She said "Please stay calm if you are in the area and pack your suit cases."
Continuing, she said "Evacuate the house and go to Zipline Airport just tell us if you are in the area. We will confirm and try to help."

They all ran upstairs and started to pack.The entire family was so happy that they were gonna move out of this place where there were so many wars that they didn't care where they went unless it was a place where there are even more wars there.

They were all ready to go in 1 hour. They hurried out of the house. The Kings family was so happy they made it out on time. Someone planted a bomb at their house and they just got far enough that they would only jump 1 foot in the air.
They ran all the way to the airport. They couldn't drive cause their car blew up in the incident.The Kings family was very lucky again. A airplane that was in the air got hit by a bomb and it flew into so many pieces but they found cover.

Everyone of the family members thought that they were gonna die today.Though no one could blame them. The circumstances weren't in their favour at all today.They almost got killed twice.
After a few kilometres they finally reached the airport. They went inside happily. They were so happy because their lives had been spared. Well, not really spared because everyone dies eventually just like Dumbledore. (If you don't know who that is just turn whatever you're using off, go on the internet and watch Harry Potter 1-7.)

When they went inside they went to the counter and said "We would like 5 tickets to Australia."
The lady at the counter said "Sorry we don't have any tickets left.
The father in the Kings family said "Umm, we have to get tickets"
"It said on the news"
Sorry you're late those tickets just sold out and the airplane's for Australia just left.

Then they got into a big fight and they said "Well we want tickets now.Give me tickets to anywhere we will take it." The attendant said "there are only 2 airplanes leaving like that with the offer of getting there fast and away.

We only have tickets to Victoria, B.C, in Canada and that plane leaves in 10 minutes but there are only three left.Then we have another plane leaving in 30 min to Canada but it is for couples only."
"We will take them."
"Kids you go on the plane that leaves in 10 minutes,me and your mom will go in the other one that leaves in 30 min."
"Ella your in charge, wait for us at the airport."
"See you there."
Then they all separated.

Ella, Alaina and Annabeth walked through security check already. Their parents were still in line.
The girls were running to the plane and they reached barely a minute before the plane was going to leave. They gave their tickets and went inside the plane.

They found their seats and put they luggage away with some help of course, while the plane was just about to leave.

Meanwhile, their parents got through security and they were rushing to get to the plane that they were going on. They gave their tickets and went inside and the still had 10 min left until the plane left to Canada.
They were very, very scared because their kids were on a airplane that anything could happen. They weren't scared about their own lives, because their kids are more important. They had a 1 hour plane ride and anything was possible, everything was on the line. Their lives, their house and car were gone, they had no where to go if either plane crashed, if the kids plane crashed they were all alone and didn't have much money because it was with the mother and father.
It was very frightening for them.

The mother was having a very hard time and was crying so much the father almost started crying with the mother.

It had only been 5 min when they stopped crying.No one was really on that plane.It was very wierd.It was also creepy.They were looking all around and then it happened, one of their fears came true, the mother went to the bathroom and right when she locked the door the flight attendants had made announcement. The mother tried to open the door and get back to her seat but the door wouldn't open. She pulled, pushed and screamed but the bathroom was soundproof for some reason. It wasn't like that in all the airplanes, but it was like that in this one for a reason that I will tell you why later.
No one heard her scream but the few on the plane listened to what the flight attendants said and did not get out of their seats. For some reason there was no P.A. system in the bathroom only in that plane so the mother did not hear what the flight attendant said. She had realized it was a trap.
She tried every way to get out of there but nothing worked, it was like a very well thought thought out plan. One thing she had not figured out was who did it and why did they do it. She had just remembered it was her...

Right then the flight attendants made another announcement that the mom did not hear. It had happened right then and right there...
The airplane had just crashed.
At the airport Ella, Alaina and Annabeth were waiting for their parents to come but they hadn't come for 45 min and all three of them were just waiting and got bored so they went to the information desk and asked "excuse me did the airplane for couples come from California, yet."
"No, sorry."
They said "thank you" and walked away.

They were very worried right now.
Who wouldn't be?
Your parents haven't reached the airport and it has been over an hour now.
It had been 1 hour and 45 min now and they were very worried.
Suddenly they looked up at the news and they was a report going in saying a couples plane going from California to Canada had just crashed on an island and their is news that some terrorists had shot them down.

They all got very emotional and the youngest Annabeth asked "are mom and dad gone?"
"No" the older two had said.
"Or at least I hope" said Ella.
30 more min later the news turned on and they were saying "Luckly they have restarted the airplane but there are some people who didn't make it."

"Those people are Nicole Kings, Claire Knôles, Victoria Winston, Steven Carson and Jake Williams.
Once again Annabeth asked "does that mean mom is dead?"
"I don't know Annabeth, but as long as dad is with her, they'll be okay."
They all ran up to the desk and asked "When is the couples flight coming?"
"It should come in about 40-50 min."
"Thank you."

They waited 10 min, 30 min, 40 min, 50 min, but it wasn't here, yet? Finally an hour passed. They were waiting and they saw their dad."

Annabeth asked " WHERE IS MOM???????????
"We heard she was gone, WHERE
IS SHE...?"

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