Chapter 2: A New Start

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"...Your mother...well she didn't make it through the accident."
"WHAT!!!" Ella yelled "No, mom would've made it. I know she would. She's stronger than that, dad"
"Daddy" Annabeth tugged at her fathers trench coat "Mommy's not leaving us, is she?" she asked, being the curious one she is.
"Of course not. She's still well and healthy. But, she'll be leaving us for some time" he said fake smiling, just to keep her temper in control. Their dad mouthed "play along for a while, until she's ready to learn the truth, please" to the two oldest girls, Alaina and Ella.

Ella had totally understood as to why he asked them both that. But, Alaina was a bit, or more like 90% against the idea. Of course, no one could blame her. She was only 6 years old and she had lost the thing she needed most, her mother.

They all soon parted from the airport to get to a hotel, considering it was morning, they couldn't be on the move all that soon.

They were all glad, including the dad because they're mother had packed her phone in Ella's carry-on, which can be used in Canada.
"Thank God, mom kept her phone in here" Ella sighed and looked through her contacts to see if her uncle was any of them. "Found him!" Ella yelled.
"Alright, we'll meet him when the sun goes down" their dad announced. "She kept a taxi driver in there. "Call him." he said, Ella
"Yeah, sure. Lemme find him" she called him and soon enough, he picked up.
"Hey, we need help."
"With what?"
"We are in Victoria, B.C and we need a place to stay."
"Eh, that's no problem.Come stay with me."
"If you are at the airport just take a cab to the skyline, then take another cab" (because an airport cab will not know the way) "and tell them to go to 37 Waterville Way."
"Thank you uncle."
"You're most welcome."

"Dad, uncle said we can go to his house. He also said take a cab to the skyline of downtown Victoria, them take another cab to 37 Waterville Way."
"Great, now we can stay at uncle's house" (cough) until we find our own house.
"Well let's go."
Then we all left.

It took us 1 hour to get there. We finally reached there and uncle was waiting for us on his porch.We all ran to him. His house or should I say mansion was huge. My dad wasn't surprised he had been here before, but we hadn't. We didn't even leave the country. Uncle always used to come to the U.S.
This was the first time ever that I had left the country and so far it was a flop. I had waited in a airport forever, I hadn't even had a bit of info on how my parents are doing and I now know my mother is dead.I hate Canada and don't think my opinion will change because I lost my mother after when I was coming to Canada.

My dad and older sisters may think I don't know, or I don't realize it but I do. They think I can't handle it and they are right.Who can?
I realized all of this when my dad couldn't look me in the eye and say my mother is coming back, and I know she won't, at least not now.
I had always heard people say people say Canada is a great place and things like that but when you look at what happened to me it may be a better place then where I was living but it is still a bad place, well according to me. The others can think what they want but I don't care.
Then they all went inside after exploring around the outside of the house.
They loved the environment all around, well all except for Annabeth. She acted like she loved the place, but she was feeling suffocated just thinking about this place because she hated it and that was the place where she had to live for the rest of her life unless something had happened like in the U.S., They had not even thought about it because, they know Canada is a free country that doesn't like war. Well they usually send soldiers to help other places but they don't say "I don't like
you Germany I am going to declare a war on you." (No offence Germany)

Their thoughts were driving me crazy. It was like they forgot what happened to our mother or were they just pretending in front of me.
That was so sweet. That meant that they care for me and don't want to see me hurt.
I couldn't stop myself from crying. My family had such a big loss and they aren't even showing they are sad just for me.

I was going crazy with my tears and I just couldn't stop them. Sooner of later they were going to find out that I know.
All I know is that I has to control myself, for their sake. Some how I has controled myself for a bit but after dinner I couldn't take it and I had to tell them. Someway and some how. I just can't keep up with it anymore. I was fine with lying.

I didn't know how to tell them so when uncle wasn't around I...I....I just went straight up to them and said "you don't have to hold all this in, I...I know mom is dead. No offense or anything but, you guys need to learn how to act."
There was a big silence and they said "we didn't want you to be hurt."
"Well you should have told me at least I wouldn't be feeling how I am right now."
"Well...Well." The 3 of them were speechless. "It was obvious that she would find out some day, guess that day had to be today" Ella had whispered to their father. Then they went back to be silent. Alaina had that annoying I told you so look on her face and Ella was looking back at Alaina. On the other hand here, Mr.Father and Annabeth had been looking at each other. Annabeth had a I am disappointed in you look and their father had a I was helpless look on his face.Then Annabeth walked away but turned back to say " You know I thought that you would never lie to me but know you are". The uncle walked up in the middle of their conversation (stalker) and was standing at the side so he walked up to their father and said "ouch, that gotta hurt.Considering it's coming from a 3 year old."

Everyone had just walked off slowly into their rooms and no one came out. Not even at dinner time when they were called down they all had lost their appetite, well everyone except for Ella, Alaina, their uncle and most people in the world but no one said anything while eating.
(Just because they didn't lose their appetite doesn't mean they were in the mood to talk.)

After they ate they all went in their rooms. No-one was heard from in the morning. Everyone skipped breakfast and everyone stayed in their room.

Last night before going to sleep Alaina and Ella thought this would happen so they took a bunch of snacks and put them in their fathers room and Annabeth's room. They also took some and put them in their own rooms, as well as uncle's.

Everyone didn't come out till the day after that one. That day at breakfast they all didn't say a word. Instead at lunch their father said "I have something to say" No one replied, they just looked at him with an angry face. "Well then" he said offendedly and then continued "I have bought a house for us in Mississauga and we will be moving there soon, I have also signed you up for school and as for you Annabeth, you will be attending pre-school." Their faces lite with joy, they just couldnt believe it, they were going to school. (Their happy because they were homeschooled before and never got to experience it before, just in case you forgot)
"But..." their uncle said. "...You could stay with me and go to school here, why do you have to move so far away."
"It's just that..." Their father couldn't complete the sentence but then, he decided that he will.
"I feel like I am a burden on you and that i have snatched away your happiness."
"You used to be so happy and now the mood in the house has made you silent and unhappy."

Their uncle didn't know what to say and so he kept quiet because he actually didn't want them to stay but he didn't want to be a bad person.

It was all because of that girlfriend of his and how he can't see her when they are there or how he can't have sex with her every damn night like he used to. Or should I say girlfriends. Yes, he was a prostitute but he never told anyone.

Annabeth in her very cute voice said "this will be a new start for all of us," then they all laughed.

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