Phone Calls

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Hailey had went out for a walk. So you were home alone, eventually you got bored and left the house. You wandered around in the nearby forest when you heard someone talking. You saw Hailey sitting in a tree by a cliff on her phone. She was muttering something to herself and was typing in something. Hailey had a nervous and worried look in her eyes. "He better pick up." Hailey murmured and finished typing, holding her phone up to her eye. You heard the phone quietly ring. The ringing stopped.

It sounded like the person picked up. Hailey's eyes widened a bit. "H-hey." Hailey says to the person she called. She then growled, "Of course, I haven't changed my mind about you! that...I want you to tell me something." Hailey clenched her free hand by her side, as if holding someone's hand. "Why?" Her voice went soft and weak as she asked that.

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