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Alex sat in her bedroom on one of the sofa's reading through one of the many books Annemarie had given her, a few feet away from her stood Kol staring out of the window over the city, he lets out an annoyed sigh and turns to look at Alex.

"Do you think she'll come?" Kol asks, Alex ignores his question and continues reading, ever since she had met Davina, Kol hasn't stopped asking the same question over and over. "Alex, do you think she will come?" He asks again, Alex lets out ana annoyed sigh.

"You know her best, Kol, you should know if she'll show up or not," Alex says.

"You are not helping," Kol says. "You threatened her."

"Like you wouldn't have done the same if our roles were switched," Alex says, she closes the book in her lap.

"I need to see her," Kol says.

"No, no, you want to see her." AJ corrects him. "She will come, but can you please keep in mind why I am here in New Orleans." Kol nods his head.

"I have no forgotten," Kol says, he takes a seat next to her. "Let us." A knock on the front door made Kol freeze in his spot, Alex stood from the couch and leaves her bedroom and makes her way to the front door, Kol follows her down the staircase and towards the door.

"Do you think it is her?" Kol asks.

"I sure as hell hope so." Alex mumbles, she opens the door and lets out a sigh of relief. "Finally, I thought you would never come." Davina looks at her confused.

"What do you mean?" Davina asks.

"Davina Claire, At last," Kol says. "Well, invite her in."

"You kept us waiting long enough." Alex states. "Please, come in." Alex steps out of the way. "He has been nagging me ever since I've arrived." Davina hesitantly steps into the apartment, her eyes fall on Kol. "Davina Claire, I would like you to meet Kol Mikaelson, in his original body."

"Kol?" Davina asks, Kol nods his head. "But how?" Davina looks at Alex, waiting for an answer.

"I will explain everything later, but for now, can you please just come over here and give me a hug," Kol says, Davina runs towards Kol jumping in his arms, Kol wraps his arms around Davina.

"Next time when I say come and find me, find me faster," Alice says, she closes the front door. "He has been driving me crazy." Alex walks away from them making her way towards the stairs. "Please, do take your time with him."


Davina and Kol step into her bedroom.

"Caught up already?" Alex asks, she closes the book in her hands and places it down next to her on the couch.

"Not quite, there is still so much to talk about," Kol says.

"But I'm way too curious about you, you were telling me about how you were killed," Davina says.

"Ah, yes, I remember," Alex says. "Right, so uh long story short, a vampire and a witch murdered me, I was forced to drink vampire blood before the vampire snapped my neck, they were hoping I would transform into a vampire and lead them to Klaus or Elijah Mikaelson, but instead, I became an angel demon hybrid."

"A hybrid?" Davina asks, Alex nods her head.

"I was dead for an entire week before I awoke in my coffin after I managed to uh get out, I took my revenge," Alex says.

"You killed them?" Davina asks.

"Demons prefer getting their revenge, and we can only transform into a hybrid if we are killed by the supernatural, but if we're killed by an ordinary human being, we die, just as my parents did," AJ explains.

"Can you be killed by a human after you've transformed?" Davina asks.

"No, not much can kill me then," Alex says. "Any other questions?"

"How did you know I wanted to revive Kol?" Davina asks.

"Because he told me, over and over and over again," Alex says. "If something wasn't drawing me towards this city, he wouldn't have ever known about me."

"You can not imagine how shocked I was that she could see me," Kol says.

"And you can't imagine how shocked I was when I realized he was dead," Alex says. "The apartment contains a divined spell, which means, anyone that enters it will be able to see him unless they're standing outside."

"But you can bring him back to life, right?" Davina asks.

"I can, but I will need his ashes," Alex says. 

"You don't need magic to bring him back, which part of you will bring him back?" Davina asks.

"You're afraid that it will be the Demon." Alex states. "The angel will rise him, the light."

"The demon can rise me as well, but it is much safer to use the angel," Kol says. "She can control both the light and the darkness, the demon and the angel, both of their elements." Davina nods her head. "She can create, and she can take with nothing more than a simple wave of the hand."

"I wouldn't say that I'm that good, but yes, I can create life," Alex says. "But I can take it as well."

"They call her a Nephalem, they're one of the rarest creatures on earth, and the most powerful," Kol says.

"What else can you do?" Davina asks.

"Kol is welcome to enlighten you with that because I'm sure you do not have the entire night to listen to me," Alex says.

"There is one thing that you can show her," Kol says.

"The wings?" Alex asks, Kol nods his head.

"Wings?" Davina asks, Alex stood from the couch and takes a couple of steps forwards, she removes her jacket and stretches her large black wings.

"Wings?" Davina asks, Alex stood from the couch and takes a couple of steps forwards, she removes her jacket and stretches her large black wings

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The Angel Demon Hybrid • Elijah Mikaelson [2]Where stories live. Discover now