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Alex steps out of Hayley and Jackson's apartment building after checking up on Jackson to make sure he was still all right, she walks across the street but stops once she realized where she was, she looks up at the building knowing the Mikaelson's lived in it, but what she didn't know was why it was haunting her dreams, she takes in a deep breath turning away from the building only to pushed inside and up against the brick wall, she lets out a gasp of shock as her eyes widen.

"Alexandra," Elijah whispers, Alex breathes heavily while looking up at him. "It is indeed you." He sounded relieved. "Do you have any idea how long I've searched for you? How far I've searched?" Elijah lifts his hand to her face, brushing his thumb over her cheek. "Where have you been all this time?" Alex placed her hands on his shoulders and forces him back, he hits the wall behind him and falls to the ground.

"Las Vegas," Alex answers, Elijah looks up at her in surprise. "Not that it is any of your business." She walks to the middle of the courtyard as Elijah slowly stood from the ground. "Hayley had mentioned you were looking for me." Elijah watched her cautiously. "You found me, now what?" Elijah takes a step towards her. "Haven't you hurt me enough?"

"I can assure you that my intentions were not to hurt you," Elijah says, he takes another step towards her.

"Yet you did," Alex says. "You don't even realize what you have done to me, did you ever consider how much damage you would cause?" Elijah stayed silent. "Of course you didn't consider the consequences, I mean, I wouldn't have either if I were a vampire." Alex takes a step towards Elijah. "Do you realize how much I wanted to die? I was on the verge of taking my own life." Elijah looked apologetic, but Alex wasn't having it. "But I am very far from being a lost cause."

"Please, listen to me, if I were to stay my mother would have killed you," Elijah says. "I was protecting you."

"I don't need your protection!" Alex says loudly. "And you certainly don't protect someone by telling them that they are nothing! A waste of space!" Alex looks into his eyes. "Who would protect them for themselves?"

"Alex-" Elijah softly says, but Alex quickly cuts him off.

"Besides, it wouldn't have mattered if your mother was the one to kill me or not, Death was unavoidable for me," Alex says.

"Alexandra, pl-" Elijah begin but Alex was quick to cut him off again.

"It's Alex, Just Alex, now," Alex says, she takes in a deep breath. "It's just Alex now, Alexandra died September 11th 2012." Elijah didn't believe her and she could see it.

"I refuse to believe that, you told me the exact same thing a year prior to 2012," Elijah says. "I doubt you have died because you're standing here in front of me, Alexandra is still in there." Out of anger and frustration, Alex's wings spread behind her as her eyes turn a bright blue, Elijah takes a step back in shock.

" Out of anger and frustration, Alex's wings spread behind her as her eyes turn a bright blue, Elijah takes a step back in shock

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The Angel Demon Hybrid • Elijah Mikaelson [2]Where stories live. Discover now