Chapter 11 - Bar

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She was here.

I hoped for this moment to come. The moment where I would get to see that girl again. She was different now, more grown up, as humans tend to do, but I could tell her apart clearly. Even from this distance I saw her bright green eyes, full of life and curiosity staring up at me. She hadn't gone through the Change after all. I smiled at her knowing there was no way she could see it. Still, from her expression I knew she saw me. I didn't even spare a glance at the rest of her group as I stopped mid-flight and changed my course heading fast for the ground.

Finally. My brain felt like it was about to explode as I got closer. The need to be at her presence became overwhelming and my body pulsed with anticipation. The time had finally come. I was surprised at my own reaction. So interesting.

Her group had started running away but I reached them with no trouble. In one swift move I lowered myself in front of her, blocking their way, my feet just an inch away from the dessert ground. They all came to an abrupt stop. For the first time I saw the people surrounding her. Two of them were Gage's recruits or would be once he found them and then there was the boy. I wouldn't have given him a second glare if it wasn't for the golden sword hanging from his hand. An angel sword. No, not just an angel sword, but the only angel sword on human hands, the only real threat against us. I knew I had to take it back. I made to move toward the boy but she blocked my way.

"Go away, they are not yours," she said her voice steady. It was so interesting how a girl like her could stand against me with such a steady voice while millions of men had faltered and begged.

"We meet again," I said and smiled. I knew if my smile didn't scare her away she was as intriguing as I remembered her to be.

She didn't even blink. Interesting. My smile broadened, bearing my teeth at them. The other girl and the little kid took a step back but she didn't. Nor did the boy with the sword.

"I said go away!" she screamed at me her irritation obvious.

I decided to land at that moment. I wanted to get as close to her as possible. She was so interesting. "Or what?"

That's when her resolve faltered. She looked unsure for a moment. She flipped her head back to her friends locking eyes with the boy with the angel sword. They nodded after a few seconds of mute communication and then she turned to face me.

"Or we will kill..." her voice trailed off as she stared at something behind me her eyes widening in surprise. "Crap!" she exclaimed and I turned to look at what I could feel was closing in.

"Bar!" Three dark angels came to a stop a few feet in front of me, still hovering above the ground. "I thought I sensed you," one of them said. I struggled to remember his name, tilting my head to one side. It seemed impossible for me to tell them apart. Truth be told most angels were so boring I didn't even spare them a single stare. Humans were much more interesting.

"And you are?" I asked unable to remember the smallest information about any of them.

It seemed like my words made them angry but they kept their cool. Instead of introducing themselves they flew past me, closing slowly to the group of kids. "We are here for some fun," one of them said.

"Fun?" I asked confused. It was common knowledge that angels didn't know how to have fun. Had I missed something? Some big upgrade making angels more interesting.

"We will kill them," another angel stated and all four kids gasped.

Oh, that. Of course angels didn't know how to have fun. They were only after one thing, killing. And those two kids with bright white eyes staring back at them were the perfect target. "Okay," I said and shrugged. What did I care about a couple of human kids, especially since they were about to turn to the light side. If the situation had been reversed and Gabe was here faced with two black eyed kids I was pretty sure he would have given them a big speech about waiting for the Tenth year to be over, but Gabe was not here and the only one I didn't want dead was her.

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