11 - Heartbreak

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I stood there for a couple of moments before yelling was heard. I huffed, running to the stairs and going up them until I was on the roof. I glanced around, looking for Stiles and my brother only to see a random body on the ground with Theo on top of him. My eyes were wide in shock, making me run over to my brother to look at him with question.

"What did you do?" I screamed at him.

"Stiles, you can't say anything," Theo ignored me, "Please don't say anything."

"Why not?"

"Because I never said anything about Donovan."

"I know what happened to Donovan."

That's what made Stiles snap. I watched the pale boy push my brother into the steel gates with pure anger and shock presented on his facial expression. I could understand why Stiles was mad because my brother was there, watching it all and he could have told Scott already.

"I know everything."

"How?" I asked Theo.

Theo groaned when Stiles pushed back against the gate, "I was there Stiles.

"Where?" I asked another question.

"I was at the library," Theo explained, "Malia found the book. She was texting us to see where you were. She said she left you at the library."

"You were close," I said in realization.

"When I got there, I heard the scaffolding come down," Theo continued.

"You saw him?" Stiles asked him.

"Just the body," Theo said, "I watched you come out and I was going to say something, but then I saw the cop car. And the body was gone but I don't know who took him. I only saw what you saw, and I didn't say anything because you didn't."

In the distance sirens were wailing and it came to my conclusion that it wasn't an ambulance on it's way. It was the police on it's way to the hospital because someone probably called them about the noises that were made up here.

"That's not an ambulance, is it?" Theo voiced my thoughts, "We should get out of here."

"We can't just leave him," Stiles pointed out.

"He's right Theo," I agreed with Stiles on this one.

"Fine," Theo said, "All right, let's take him. Someone's stealing the bodies anyway, right?"

"Correct," I nodded, swallowing hard, "And now here's our chance to find out who."

"Stiles, come on," Theo said to him, walking away, "We gotta do something."

"You killed him," Stiles deadpanned.

"In self-defense," I said with a sigh.

"He was going to kill you and me," Theo pointed out, "If we stay, we're either going to have to tell the truth or we're going to need a pretty convincing story. It's your choice in the end."

"We're not going to ask you to lie to your dad," I told him.

"Don't worry. I've had plenty of practice."

And with that, we headed off the roof, grabbing the boy's body before anything else could happen.


And now they found themselves talking to Scott about who killed the innocent boy on the roof. It was hard to lie to him, even for me it was, but not for Theo. I looked over at Stiles who looked like he was in pain because of the lies he was feeding his best friend. I felt bad but I knew this was for his own good in the end.

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