Chapter 4: Lucy

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Before Maisie and I could shoot a glance at one another, the girl with red hair had disappeared into an empty cubicle and locked the door behind her. 

I  looked at Maisie with a raised eyebrow. That was really odd. I wonder whats wrong with her? I wonder who she is? We could hear sobbing coming from the cubicle, it was quiet - but we hadn't said a word to each other so it was easily heard.  We can't just leave her in here upset, what would that make us?

I whispered to Maisie, "Should we say something?", she nodded, and then looked at the cubicle, as if she was able to see straight through the door. She cleared her throat and tapped on the door with her knuckle.

"Hello? Are you alright in there?" she asked, quietly.

"I'm FINE" she voice replied, choked up.

"Are you sure?" I added, "Please, come out.. talk to us." Maisie shot me a look, like she wanted to help but not get too involved. Maybe I shouldn't have asked the girl to come out, but I wasn't going to leave her in there all upset, we had an hour left of lunch break and I had no where else to be. I couldn't speak for Maisie on that account though.

The girl's sobbing from inside the toilet stall stopped, and after about a minute, the door opened. She had long, bright red hair. Her eyes blue and green, and at this moment in time - red and puffy. Her makeup was streaming half way down her face, and in her hand she was clutching a ball of tissues. She looked at us both, sniffled, and walked to the sink. 

"I look a mess," she said casually, looking into the mirror. "Do either of you have any mascara or something?"

"I do" Maisie chirped, quickly. She starts digging around in her bag for loose makeup products. When her hand finds one she stretches her arm out towards the crying girl, who is trying to mop up the black pools of old makeup underneath her eyes.

"" she hesitated with another sniff

"Oh! Maisie! My names Maisie, and yours is?" Maisie chirped.

"Oh yeah, I know who you are, I thought I recognized you." The redhead then cleared her throat, "I'm Lucy" she replied.

Maisie looked confused for a moment, then said "Lucy...Newby, right? Jackson's sister"

Lucy laughed like she was impressed, "Wow, what gave it away?"

"Well, I was guessing by the h-"

"The hair. Yep, Of course. Good to know I'm recognized around this place for having the same color hair as my dick brother, rather than anything important" she scoffed.

"Oh, I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you or anything it's just-"

"No, no, don't worry, besides, you have it worse. Being the principals daughter and everything, right?"

I gave her a confused look. Principal's daughter? Maisie? I did recognize her name actually - I think she was meant to be my welcoming committee. It would make sense her welcoming the new kids, if her dad ran the school.

"Oh, the principal's daughter, are we, Mai?" I laughed. She scowled back at me.

"I wasn't going to tell you. I'm not a goodie two shoes or anything. In fact I use my dad to be the opposite - people just think I'm great. That's why nobody ever messes with me" it's like she couldn't keep a grin off of her face.

"Diabolical. Nice, I like it." Lucy nodded in approval of Maisie's supposed schemes.

"I really like it" I agreed too. The three of us looked at each other in the quiet bathroom and suddenly broke out into laughter. It echoed slightly because we were the only ones there and the room was otherwise empty. A thought jumped into my head, and I thought I might as well vocalize it because I'd forget otherwise.

"So, why are you so upset, Lucy?" the laughter stopped and everyone went quiet.

Lucy shook her head from side to side and crossed her arms. "It's my friend, Emilia. Well, I say she's my friend, really shes just my brother's best friend's girlfriend..." she trailed off. We looked at her expecting her to continue. "She was in a car accident this morning, just a block away from school." She sniffled again. I really hope the crying doesn't start back up.

"Oh god!" Mai gasped. "Is she alright? Are you alright?" Lucy's head snapped up in response,

"Of course I'm alright, I heard she cut her head open a bit and shes at the hospital down Jacobs Road."

"Hey I saw an accident, on my way here on the bus. I saw a girl with a cut on her forehead, she was really pretty, with brown hair? Do you think that was Emilia? " I cut in.

"It sounds like her...did she look okay?" Lucy croaked.

"She looked alright to me, but I don't want to make any false assumptions" I reassured

"Call me Lu, seriously"

"Okay, Lu. Call me Fran." I smiled "I think she'll be alright you know"

"Thanks Fran" she replied, wearing a smile to match mine.

Well, a bright side to my first day. I think it's safe to say I've made two friends. Not bad, for me anyway. Maisie was still silent until I tapped her on the shoulder.


"Huh?" she responded, like she was startled.

"What's up Maisie?" Lucy said.

"Oh, I was just thinking.." she began, "Would you guys want to go to the hospital after school? I mean, I don't really know Emilia, but I can drive. And I just figured if you were so upset Lucy, I wouldn't mind taking you, and Fran could come too."

"Oh that would be amazing! Thank you!" squealed Lucy

"It's no problem at all, we are friends now after all, right?" Mai laughed.

"Of course we are" Me and Lucy said in unison. We looked at each other and the laughter started again. 

We finally stopped laughing and decided to get something to eat with what was left of the lunch hour. Lucy went over to Jackson on the other side of the cafeteria and we thought she would sit with him. She leaned over the table and said something to him, then stood upright and walked back over to me and Maisie. All the boys watched her, she really was beautiful, her hair waved side to side as she walked, like red flames. She weaved through all of the people, tables and chairs like they parted just for her. When she returned to us with ease she told us that she was just telling Jackson where she was going after school. Apparently he had agreed he was going too, in his own car, because his best friend was already at the hospital and they wanted to meet. If I remember correctly, Jackson's best friend is called Luke, and the girl in the crash is his girlfriend, Emilia.

We got pizza for lunch, something my Mom wouldn't be happy about. Especially since it was pepperoni, and that of course went against her strict vegan morals. I never got into the same diet habits as my mom, but at home as far as she knows I'm as healthy and detoxed as your average beauty guru youtuber. 

The three of us spoke for hours, we barely noticed the bell when lunch ended. We stopped at each of our lockers, which just so happened to be all in the same hallway. Turns out we had both our next lessons together, Math class and English class. We wrote secret notes to each other in Math and spoke in group activities in English. Turns out Lucy loves English, just like me. She put on her best British accent for the whole lesson and whenever she spoke me and Mai got the giggles all over again. Maisie is good at everything! It does make sense now that I know her dad is the principal, but still!

Getting to know them both throughout the rest of the day made me realize how alike we all were. What are the chances that we would all meet on my first day? I could tell already that my time at Armstrong High was going to be a hell of a lot better than I previously predicted. I already had friends, and great friends at that.

Already, my homesickness was almost completely gone. Maybe Mom was right, maybe this was 'fate'.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2017 ⏰

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