Wondering and Pondering.

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Cami's P.O.V:
I was happy to have escaped those terrible boys, in Ilvermony I didn't get that much attention. I saw them running in different directions, before leaving I went to check if the coast was clear. Swiftly I walked until I saw a large sign pointing towards the library and I followed it. I went to sit down in a blue beanbag, I then searched for a good book. I came upon a book named 'The Tales of the Beatles and The Bard', I had never seen it in Ilvermony before maybe it's 'only' found in England I thought. I planted my face into it and was carried away,  Suddenly a voice called "Ms Brookes, you are needed in the great hall." I removed the book from my face. It was Ms McGonagall she  was dressed in long dark green robes. I followed her but then we stopped outside a room. "I suggest that you should get changed into your robes" Mc Gonagall said. I was about to comment on her question but suddenly I was interrupted. And my trunk appeared. She pointed me to the bathroom and I slipped into my robes they fit comfortably. I was going to search my trunk when it had disappeared. Magic. I walked out and My Gonagall pointed into the hall. I sat on the end of the Griffindor table, as I turned around I locked eyes with the Draco Malfoy kid I had met earlier, I blushed slightly he smirked. My checks we're burning like a ragging fire. I looked away. Suddenly the same boy with Jet black hair appeared along with two others. "Sorry about earlier today I wanted to apologize. I'm Harry. Harry Potter," He said "And this is Ron and Hermione," He pointed out his friends to me and I smiled "So what's your name?" I'm Cami, from Sunny Southern California. Nice to meet you." I said proudly. "Wait a minute. So does that mean that you went to Ilvermony  school of witchcraft and wizardry, America?" Ron asked, as Hermione and Harry looked puzzeld. "Yea. I guess so. " I said "Tell us about Ilvermony and the wizarding world in America" they said in sync. Their eyes widened in every word I said, to my surprise a crowd of kids wearing red ties and lion crescents were surrounding me with beady eyes, getting wider in every sentence. I took a look at the raging crowd I saw two boys, identical twins. They had freckles, mint brown eyes and wild red hair. They looked like Ron's brothers. They caught me gazing and both winked in unison which caused me to turn into a tomatoe my checks heated up, I thought I would burn into a pile of  dust. "Bye. See. You. Guys. Later." I said still as red as a cherry. "Ah, Ms Brookes, you'll be staying in the Griffindor tower. Since you're a hit with the Griffindors." Professor Mc Gonagall pointed out. I looked so confused. I sat on a bench. To see Draco again "Hey, we haven't been clearly intuduced I'm Draco. Draco Malfoy. And you are?" "Cami. Cami Brookes" I said. He glanced at me and said "Your American,?" I nodded "I like Americans" he said walking away before winking at me.

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