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As I knew you would do, your teammates and you came in the restaurant the other night. To tell you the truth I expected you earlier, but I was prepared. I did my best not to make eye contact with you although I noticed that you were checking on me. I know you remembered me even though I had done my best not to be recognizable. I had changed my hair color to a red that rather than suit me but it was obvious that it didn't work. You still remembered me, but as long as you didn't say anything, I don't care. It wasn't as difficult as I thought it might be. I hope you're not coming here again, but who am I trying to fool ?
After a winning game you always come back.


It's great to score for your new team from the first match and so did I.
And I was happy. I actually couldn't be happier.
- Tonight we're celebrating!
Marco yelled in the changing rooms.
I laughed. It all came down to celebration.
- Of course it does Julian! We're celebrating your first goal in the team.
Claps from everywhere made me blush.
- Alright. Celebrating tonight. I'll pay, you set the place.
I announced, making them whistle.


Georgina hugged me tightly when she saw me.
- Congratulations! That was......I don't know what to say.
- Thanks Georgina.
- I mean, scoring from your debut, that was like.......
- It wasn't my debut Gina.
I reminded her.
- Oh, come on, your first match was a friendly one, it doesn't count.
She complained.
- It does.
I say touching the tip of her nose.
She seems surprised that I'm such in a good mood.
- So, do you want us to do anything tonight to celebrate ?
She asks looking at me.
- Actually, I'll party out with the guys.
I said pausing.
- Oh!
- And you're invited.
I say.
- Oh! That means I've got the chance to see Kevin ?
She asks smiling.
- What is it with Kevin ?
I ask.
- Are you kidding me ? Have you seen his abs ?
- Yes actually.
I respond, making her groan.
- Well, I haven't. I mean in reality. I should have came to your practices.
She says while thinking of something.
I guess, she does think of what she's going to wear. She always wants to be the center of attention and most of the times she manages to be. I mean, she's a really nice girl once you get to know her, but most men like her before she even speaks. Her curves have a great effect on them.
- Should I pick you up at night ?
I ask her.
- Of course not. I don't want it to be as if I accompany you.
She complains.
- And why not ?
I ask smirking.
- Cause you idiot, I'm a single woman tonight and I got to have my shots.
- Right.
I say in agreement.
- So, I'll see you tonight.
She says and leaves my car without waiting for an answer.


Although I haven't thought about that Camilla girl, memories keep coming back and suddenly I know where do I know her from.
Once in high school, there was a girl I had a relation with. Nothing serious. She just had a crush on me and I acted as if I liked her back. Well, I liked her but as I said: nothing serious.
She was nothing special, a tiny girl with beautiful eyes. Really beautiful eyes. The kind of them that was neither blue nor green, but something in between.
But we just broke up -I was bored of her- and I never saw her again.
Maybe she remembered me and that's why she kept her face down when serving us. Or maybe she was thrilled that she saw all these footballers at once. But that's not true, since the guys are here all the time.
Maybe I'll talk to her when we go there again. Nothing important. Just asking her if she remembers me. Which clearly she does.


The club is packed, but this time I'm not afraid of anyone recognizing us.
- It brings women closer.
Kevin whispers.
And Georgina thinks she has a chance.
I think to myself.
Most of my teammates are there with their wives or girlfriends. Kevin on the other hand, has checked the whole club and decides that we should be opposite to some girls that laugh hysterically and they haven't noticed us yet.
- They're not interested.
I tease him.
- Nobody can resist to Kevin.
He snaps back and I laugh.
- For how long have you been single ?
I ask him. I remember him dating someone not a long before.
- It's been almost a year.
- Really ?
I ask surprised.
- Yes, why's that shocking ?
He asks.
- It's not. I actually thought it was less.
I admit.
- And you ?
He asks.
- Me what ?
- How long have you been single ?
He asks sipping his drink.
- I haven't dated anyone actually.
I say out loud.
- What ?
He asks surprised.
- Not a serious relation.
I say again.
Well, that's true. I don't think any of the relations I had are considered serious. Maybe the most serious I had was the one with that Camilla girl.
How had she came to my mind again ?
I think to myself.
- Look!
Kevin says and whistles.
I raise my gaze to see Georgina walking on her high heels. She looks amazing. And as I had known it had been, every single man on the club turns to admire her.
But she's looking even better than she usually does tonight.
Her tight dress fits perfectly her curves and I have to try hard not to stare at her for a lot of time.
She finally notices me and her gaze briefly travels to Kevin, then back to me and she smiles approaching us.
- Hi, Julian.
She says and she places a kiss on my cheek, most probably to caught Kevin's attention.
I try my hardest to fight the urge of putting my hand around her waist.
- Hi Gina, you look great.
I say and it's the least I can actually say.
Her eyes stay on Kevin.
- I'm Georgina.
She says introducing herself.
Kevin looks at her amazed.
- I'm Kevin. Julian, I thought you said you were single.
Kevin says looking at me this time.
Georgina laughs.
- I'm his agent.
She explains giggling.
- Again, Julian had never mentioned he had such a beautiful agent.
Kevin says.
Georgina takes a moment to blush.
- He's constantly keeping things to himself.
She says and it's Kevin's turn to laugh.
I know that they are both flirting in normal ways but I've known Georgina well enough to know that the only thing she thinks is when will she have the chance to spend time with Kevin's abs or anything else that belongs to him.
For some reason the thought disturbs me.
They spend most of the night, chatting and laughing having completely ignored that I was here with them.
Again there's something that disturbs me. Clearly because I'm the one who knows Georgina and Kevin's the one that takes full of her attention right now. And I feel neglected and alone right now.
- I'm going to the bathroom.
Georgina says and Kevin watches her as she leaves.
- Why the fuck haven't you mentioned that your agent's that hot ?
He asks when he can no longer spot Georgina.
- Well, nobody brought up the subject. Like, nice save Kevin and speaking of saves do you know that my agent's hot ?
I tease him.
- I know what you did, clearly you kept it a secret because it's better to keep the woman to yourself.
He accuses me.
- I haven't actually thought of it, but since you think so.......
- You don't sleep with her, do you ?
Kevin asks.
I think that my cheeks turn a little red in the thought of me sleeping with Georgina. She's a friend of mine but I can't deny that I have thought of her in that way too.
- No. I don't.
I simply say and Kevin smiles.
- Great.
It's something in the way he said it that I didn't like.
- What's that suppose to mean ?
I ask and I can understand myself that I'm a little more aggressive than I intend to be.
- Nothing.
He responds.
- I won't suggest you sleeping with my agent.
I say and it's exactly what I think.
- Oh, come on Draxler, you only know me that little ? Of course I don't sleep with my teammates agents.
Again something in the way he says it, doesn't feel right.
- You better not.
It's then I see Georgina coming again towards us smiling to Kevin.
- I'm here again.
She announces, sitting beside me.
Georgina and Kevin look at each other in a way that might mean something.
I had never been interested in Georgina's relations but I really don't like the thought of her being with one of my teammates. I knew that this could always complicate things.
Kevin on the other hand, isn't the man I'd call loyal. And given he's not up to any relation now, I wouldn't actually suggest him to Georgina. The last thing I want is for things to be complicated. And a hurt Georgina could mean a Georgina flying back in Germany. And that was bad. Really bad. I didn't know how much I could manage without Georgina. She's such a positive person that can go through any difficult situation with a smile. That's why I need her. I feel a hand in my arm and I turn to see Georgina's smile.
- What are you thinking ?
She asks. Her green eyes are locked on mine.
- You don't sleep with her, do you ?
I hear Kevin's question in my head again.
I know that I have to be focus in order not to stare at her lips. Or her chest. Or both.
- Nothing.
I respond.
The smile vanishes from her face.
- Are you sure ?
- Yes, Gina.
I can see she's relaxed when I call her Gina. It means that I'm relaxed too.
She starts another conversation with Kevin again and I can see that him as well, tries to be focus on her eyes and not on her chest.
It's not that I'm selfish or something but if I had to choose, I would definitely go for the option where Georgina sleeps in my bed and not in Kevin's.

I'm in love with a monster |Julian Draxler [completed]Where stories live. Discover now