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And why should you care whether I lied to you or not about Della not being my daughter ? What I do with my life and how I do raise my daughter it's really none of your business, Julian. If I want to say that Della's not my daughter, I can clearly say that and it's none of your business. Della can be my daughter and at the same time can't be my daughter. And my uncle. Never can he keep his mouth shut. And now I have to go through this. I have to give explanations to a person like you. A person that has no clue, how is it for your life to be miserable.


It takes Camilla some minutes to respond to my question.
- My uncle told you ?
She just asks after a while.
- Is it really important ?
I ask her being still mad.
- Well, not really, but does it really matter whether Della's my daughter or not ?
She asks back.
I try not to curse.
- What's the reason of lying for a reason as stupid as that ?
- I....didn't lie.
- Are you kidding me Camilla ? Your uncle was the one to say that. Can you explain what does this mean ? Why is it so important to lie about whether Della's your daughter or not ?
Silence fills our conversation for a while and then she speaks.
- Bye Julian.
- Are you going to hang up ?
I ask but the line had already gone dead.
- Dammit!
I curse and I sit in the couch with my head in my hands. That's definitely no good.


I haven't spoken to Georgina since the previous days but today must be a day to do so, since it's her birthday. And she'll throw that party. And I really don't want to go. And I most probably won't go. I know that this will cause her to be even more upset with me than she already is, but the truth is, I can't do much. Georgina expressed her feelings towards me, and I would be a complete liar, if saying that I didn't feel the same. But I couldn't tell her that. Firstly, because Georgina and I have a really special relation as friends and secondly, because she's dating Kevin. And Kevin's a teammate of mine, and the last thing I want right now is for things to be more complicated than they already are.
So, I decide that I won't go to Georgina's party. Instead, I drive back to the restaurant.


Camilla's occupied taking some order when I step in and she doesn't notice me immediately, but when she does, she tries her hardest not to lose her balance so for the dishes she carries to fall.
She ignores me as much as she can, but she has to come and take my order sometime. She's really typical at me and I don't say anything, until she comes back with my order, after a while.
- Enjoy your meal sir.
She says and turns to leave but I stop her, by grabbing her hand.
- You've got to give some explanations, don't you think ?
- Leave me Julian.
She says annoyed.
- Julian ? Where is sir now ?
I tease.
- Fuck you. You and your manners. I work here. Stop causing me trouble all the time.
- You'd better not be that rude, don't forget that I'm a client.
She smirks.
- I don't care what you are. You are as useless to me as you always were.
- You don't mean that.
- Leave me alone, Julian. I didn't ask you to get involved in my life all the time. You were never there to support me and your d....
She stops, biting her lip.
- My what ?
- Nothing. Enjoy your meal.
- Camilla.....
My voice trails of. She works now. She can't always be occupied with me. So, I'm going to wait for her, when she finishes her shift.


I was supposed to having left the restaurant earlier, but I was just waiting outside of it. I wait till Camilla finishes her shift and locks the restaurant. She had been really annoyed while us talking. And I know that her behavior's weird. Once again, I'll do what I had once did. Spy on her. Follow her. Cause I need to know some more things. And I know for a fact that she doesn't live where she had stopped the previous time. Cause I also know that she understood that I had followed her. But not this time. This time, it might be different. Camilla had lied about Della being her daughter and I couldn't clearly find a reason for that. It's really none of my business what they both do, so why did she bother lying about it ?
This time, things must be different. And they are. Camilla stops outside a different house and this time, she doesn't just remain there, waiting for me to leave, but I clearly see her unlocking the door and step inside. And this confirms, what I already knew. Camilla had been lying all along.


Since I know I won't be able to sleep, I head to Georgina's house. Maybe, just saying a happy birthday to her won't be a big deal. The loud music is audible, before I even exit my car. Knowing Georgina, I know that her place will be packed. I can't stop thinking about the fact that Camilla had been lying all along, so a little partying, would help me forget about that too.
I ring the doorbell in Georgina's house as long as I step outside her door but nobody bothers to open. I suppose nobody hears the doorbell ringing, since the place is packed and the music is really loud. I make my way to the other side of the house, that leads to the garden. Of course, people are there too and I enter the house by an open door.
As I step inside, I clearly can't see a thing, since all the lights are off. People are dancing, drinking, laughing and chatting really loud. I don't recognize any of these people and I search the whole room for Georgina but she's nowhere to be found. Someone bumps into me and I turn to face the person.
- Oh, I'm sorry. Julian ? You came!
Marco exclaims and I fake a smile.
- I did. What are you doing here ?
I ask him.
- Kevin said that I should come, cause Georgina has some really good looking friends.
He says winking at me.
- I see. Uhm, have you seen Georgina ?
I ask him.
- Kevin said, he had a surprise for her and they went upstairs.
He informs me.
- Okay, have fun.
I say patting his shoulder and making my way upstairs. The place is more quiet upstairs and I can clearly hear, Georgina's voice.
- Can't you tell me what is it ? And why do I have to cover my eyes ?
She complains.
I spot Kevin, covering her eyes with something that looks like a mask.
- Okay, listen, you'll wait to your room and I'm going to bring it to you, cause I forgot it downstairs. And Georgina, don't take of the mask, okay ?
He asks, placing a kiss in her lips.
- Okay, I won't.
Kevin leads her to her room and I hide to her wardrobe room. Kevin exits her room after some seconds and I see him, heading downstairs. My heart's beating fast in my chest, knowing that I shouldn't do what I'm about to do.
I make my way to Georgina's room and I slowly open the door. Her room is filled with darkness and she turns her head to the door.
- You came that fast ?
She asks.
She's so beautiful. She's sitting in her bed, with her eyes covered, her hair in small curls and a dress that covers only the basics. And she thinks I'm Kevin. And I swallow hard. I approach her and sit beside her in the bed.
- What's the surprise Kevin ? Come on! You had made me curious.
I'm only inches away from her. And I want to touch her.
- Kevin ? Why don't you speak ? What are you up to ? Come on Kevin, it creeps me out that I can't see what's going on.
She touches her mask in an attempt to get rid of it, but I stop her.
- Kevin ?
She whispers.
I swallow hard again and approach her even more. I tuck some hair behind her ear. She breathes heavily. I touch her cheek with my one hand and with the other, I touch her waist, so to make her body come closer to mine. And I lean to kiss her. And I do. Our lips touch briefly in the beginning, but soon enough my tongue is in her mouth and my hand's touching her inner thigh. She runs her fingers through my hair and she groans a little when my mouth ends in her neck, making it's way to her décolleté.
She smiles.
- have never kissed me like that before.
She says and I stop what I'm doing when I think I hear footsteps outside her door.
- Why did you stop ?
She asks annoyed, while she tries to find my lips in the dark.
I push her away. Kevin's out of her door.
- Kevin ?
She asks and I make my way in her balcony, so for Kevin not to see me there.
- I'm here!
Kevin announces entering her room, by the time I'm out in the balcony.
- just came ?
I hear Georgina asking.
- Yes.
- But.......
- No, don't take the mask of!
Kevin says.
- Kevin, you don't understand, someone, oh my......what did just happen ?
- Baby are you okay ?
- No, I'm not okay. I need something to drink. Now.
- Wait,.....where are you going ?
I hear them leaving Georgina's room and I step in. I make sure they had both left and I head downstairs where I see them talking with some guests. Georgina looks really worried and I take advantage of it, to leave right now. It's better for her not to see me here. I exit her house, making sure that nobody had seen me. Well, Marco had. But I couldn't avoid that. I'm just afraid that this might cause trouble.

I'm in love with a monster |Julian Draxler [completed]Where stories live. Discover now