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The time flies when I'm with you Julian. I enjoyed every minute of us being together. And I would definitely repeat that. If you want us to repeat it of course. I really hope you had a great time as well. And actually it seemed like you did.
Please Julian, let me be a part in your life. Even if that part is completely worthless. I just want to have a place in your life. Even if that place means that I just know you. Even if for you, I'm nothing more than just a waitress. Let me at least be a waitress that worths something. Something like your attention.


Kevin places a kiss in Georgina's lips as we approach her. She has been waiting in the stands for our practice to finish.
- Hello, to the most beautiful girl.
He says and she smiles. Yes, as if Kevin means it.
I roll my eyes and I know Georgina checks at me.
- How was last night with Patrick ?
I ask her.
Georgina looks at me still smiling.
- It was good. Really good.
She responds.
Kevin looks at me confused.
- You didn't go with them ?
He asks me.
Georgina looks at me, waiting for my answer as well. She thinks that I didn't go with them, because the situation between us is still awkward.
- No, I had something important to do.
I reply.
- Like what ?
Kevin asks winking at me.
Georgina rolls her eyes.
- Stop it Kevin, Julian's personal life's none of your business.
She says but she's looking at me intensively.
- Of course it's not. I was just wondering......about the waitress ?
He asks raising his eyebrows.
Georgina looks impatiently at both of us, being most probably irritated.
- Nothing about her.
I reply, but memories of the previous night keep coming back to my mind.
I think a smile appears in my face and Georgina raises her eyebrows at me.
- So, what are we doing for your birthday ?
Kevin asks Georgina.
I look at Georgina alarmed. Is it her birthday ? No, it can't be. Then I remember that it's in less than a week. My heart beats faster. If it wasn't for Kevin, I would have totally forgotten that.
- I will most probably throw a party at my place. I haven't done such thing in ages.
She says smiling.
- That's great.
Kevin says placing his arms around her and kissing her hair.
- What do you think Julian ?
Georgina asks looking at me.
Well right now I think that I would like to punch Kevin for holding you.
- Yes, it'll be great.
I just say and I avoid her gaze, in case she understands what I'm really thinking.
- Great. I can't wait.


Patrick pats my shoulder and sits beside me in the couch.
- What did you do last night ?
He asks as if he doesn't care, although he does.
- I just stayed here.
I lie.
He raises his eyebrows.
- But you came late. I was already there when you came.
I roll my eyes.
I'm about to lie by saying that I went out with Georgina but then I remember that he was the one that went out with her instead.
- I was out for a walk and then I was here again.
Patrick smirks.
- But one of your cars was missing. Did you go for a walk with your car ?
He teases.
I don't really know what to say in this, so I just keep quiet, but Patrick's expression asks me to continue.
- Seriously now Patrick, why do you care ?
- I'm just curious. And.......
- And ?
I ask him impatiently.
- Well, maybe Georgina mentioned something last night about a Camilla girl.
I roll my eyes. Georgina never really knows when she should keep her mouth shut.
- Ignore Georgina.
- Like you do ?
He asks.
His words had taken me by surprise and I look at him with my eyes wide open.
- What's that supposed to mean ?
I ask.
- You tell me. She was sad yesterday you know.
I smirk.
- I can't do something about it.
I respond avoiding his gaze.
- I think you do, since it was actually your fault that she felt this way.
- And how do you know that ? She told you ?
I ask smirking again.
- No, but Julian the whole night we were talking about you.
- Great.
I respond.
- No, you don't understand. Whatever the topic of our conversation was, she was mentioning you. She likes you idiot.
I laugh.
- You don't know Patrick. And Georgina's dating Kevin.
- And what if she does ?
- She can't like me.
- Of course she can. And she does. And you like her back.
- That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard.
I snap.
- It's true. You were about to kiss the other night. I'm sorry for interrupting you, again.
- Stop it Patrick. I don't like her. She's a friend of mine. We were always friends. And it's not going to change now.
The doorbell rings and I make my way to the door while Patrick says:
- Tell me something that will prove that you indeed don't like her.
- Well, since it's the only way, let me inform you that I was on a date with Camilla last night.
I say and at the same time open the door, only to see Georgina's shocked face.
She heard what I said.
- Hi, Julian.
She says looking at me.
- Hi, Gina.
I say and I bite my lip. Why had I said that while opening the door ? Georgina was the last person that should learn that.
- Is Patrick here ?
She asks raising her eyebrows.
- I'm here.
Patrick yells from the living room.
Georgina's looking at me as if she asks my permission to step inside.
- Come in.
I say.
Georgina hesitates a little but makes her way into the living room while I curse myself. Why had I said that ?
I don't want Georgina to know everything that's going on in my life. And surely, I don't want her to know what's going on with Camilla.
I make my way to the living room and they both look at me.
- Georgina and I will go out tonight. Will you come ?
Patrick asks.
I look at Georgina.
- I don't know.......
I start saying but Georgina interrupts me.
- Don't push him Patrick. Maybe he has better things to do. You know, like going out with girls he barely know.
Georgina doesn't look at me when saying that and I feel even more irritated than I should.
I don't say anything. I'm afraid that if I attempt to speak, I'll say things I might regret.
Patrick feels the tension and decides to speak.
- It's okay Julian. You tell us, when you decide.
He says and Georgina smirks.
- Maybe I'll come. I just have morning practice tomorrow.
- We won't be late though. Georgina do you want anything to drink ?
Patrick asks her.
Georgina thinks about it a little.
- Water will be fine.
Patrick nods and makes his way to the kitchen, leaving us alone. And I know he had done this on purpose.
- I would have told you that I went out with Camilla.
I say although I don't know why I owe her explanations.
- I don't care Julian. Really.
She says avoiding my gaze.
- So why did you make such a scene ? Girls, I barely know ? Really Gina ?
- You should at least come with us, since Patrick leaves tomorrow.
I look at her surprised.
- Is he leaving ?
She rolls her eyes.
- You didn't know ?
- I had no idea.
She frowns.
- Perhaps you were too busy, to care about your brother.
She stands up from the couch and as long as she tries to walk past me, I grab her hand.
- I don't know why you're acting the way you do, but seriously you won't achieve anything.
- Leave me Julian. I don't want to talk to you. You have changed. You're a whole different person and I don't like it.
Her lips are only centimeters from mine and I know I want to make her shut up.
- You have changed too. Suddenly you're interested in my personal life.
- That's only cause I care about you. And Camilla.........
- Yes ?
I ask her and I lean closer to her.
She's surprised, looking firstly straight into my eyes and then at my lips. Her hands are shaking but she touches my cheek with her fingers. And as long as our lips are about to touch, Patrick enters the room.
- Here......oh, I'm really......really sorry. I'm leaving. Go on with what you're doing.
He says but Georgina has already pushed me away while her cheeks are heating up.
- No, we.......were.......just.........
She starts saying but Patrick interrupts her.
- About to kiss, like the other night. Don't worry, I'm leaving and you can go on with that.
Patrick says but Georgina speaks again.
- That's a misunderstanding Patrick. We were definitely not about to kiss. I was telling Julian that he should come tonight, cause you're leaving tomorrow and he won't have a chance to see you.
Patrick smirks.
- Yes, I'm sure he could hear you though from a distance too.
Georgina blushes and doesn't look at me.
- Maybe I should leave. I'll see you tonight.
Georgina says, making her way to the door.
As long as the door closes behind her, Patrick looks at me smirking.
- Every time that you're alone, you're about to kiss ?
- We weren't about to kiss Patrick.
- Why keep trying to tell me that you didn't ? I saw you. I clearly did. Such passion......are you sure that you're not together ?
- Shut up, Patrick.
I say burying my face in my hands. I'm totally embarrassed. Why am I doing this ? Georgina's dating Kevin and I'm.....well I don't know what's wrong with me.
- Jules, I think you're not telling me the truth. Come on, tell Patrick what's wrong.
I smirk.
- Nothing's wrong.
- Then ? And why was Georgina that jealous ? About Camilla, I mean.
- I don't know what you're talking about.
- I think you do. What's going on between you two ?
- For the hundredth time, nothing.
- Come on Julian. I didn't want to ask Georgina but you leave me with no choice.
He says looking seriously at me.
- Nothing's going on between us, just next time, check what we're doing before you come.

Hey guys, I'm back from Spain, I actually came two days ago but I didn't have time to update! I hope you're still interested in the story and thank you for all the support! In Madrid we stayed in a family right opposite to Bernabeau but unfortunately we left before the match on Tuesday. Of course congratulations to Juventus they totally deserved it and I'm a Barcelona fan. I prefer not to comment about the Real - Bayern match cause honestly I'm still mad about it, and after Bayern losing I was in tears. Anyways, thanks again for the support.

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