On the Quidditch Field

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!!!FUTURE A/N!!!!!
Hey I am just here editing!!!

A/N Hey so I want you ALL to check out randam2000!! Her work is AMAZHANG!!!!!! Thanks now let's get on with this story!!!!!!!~Primrose Weasley  
                 One Year Earlier
 Ginny's POV 

WHY WON'T THAT GIT NOTICE I LIKE HIM!!! I LITERALLY HELD ONTO HIS WAIST AFTER HIS LAST QUIDDITCH MATCH!! ARGH BOYS!! Well now it is the last match of the season and I'm hoping they win!!!
  After the Match
THEY WON!!!! OH MY MERLIN THEY WON!!!!! But since we were having so much fun I couldn't tell him!! Well there is always next time!!!

Sorry!! This is extremely short and almost can't consider this a chapter!!

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